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ABAP Unit and Test-Driven Development

METHOD if_constraint~get_description.


* RETURNING result TYPE string_table


* Local Variables

DATA: ld_message TYPE string.

ld_message = 'Monster is not really that scary'.

APPEND ld_message TO result.



ENDCLASS."My Constraint – Implementation

Listing 3.20 Implementation

All that remains is to call the assertion in the THEN part of a test method, as shown

in Listing 3.21.

DATA: lo_constraint TYPE REF TO lcl_my_constraint.

CREATE OBJECT lo_constraint.


exp = abap_true

act = lo_constraint->is_valid( lo_monster->scariness )

msg = lo_constraint->get_description( ) ).

Listing 3.21 Call the Assertion

As you can see, the only limit on what sort of evaluations you can run on the test

results is your own imagination.

Achieving 100% Test Coverage

When evaluating your results, you want to make sure that you’ve achieved 100%

test coverage. In the same way that the US army wants no man left behind, you

want no line of code to remain untested. That is, if you have an IF statement with

lots of ELSE clauses or a CASE statement with 10 different branches, then you want

our tests to be such that every possible path gets followed at some point during

the execution of the test classes, to be sure nothing ends in tears and causes an

error of some sort.

That’s not as easy as it sounds. Aside from the fact that you need a lot of tests,

how can you be sure you have not forgotten some branches? Luckily, there is tool


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