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Building the WDA Application 12.2

to declare the same sort of data, this time in the Context tab in the component

(program) controller.

In this application, you’re going to have three structures: an input structure (with

two fields so that the user can search for monsters by name or by number), a table

of monster headers, and a table of monste r items. The first two will be used on

the main screen and the last one when th e user is looking at an individual monster


Navigate to the COMPONENTCONTROLLER node in your application. Move to the Context

tab, and you’ll see a little ball labeled CONTEXT. Right-click this rubber ball,

which keeps bouncing back to you, and choose Create 폷 Node.

In the screen shown in Figu re 12.6, you do not need to do anything; just accept

all the default settings. (If you are curious what they all mean, (F1) help is actually

helpful here—especially with respect to the Singleton field, where you are

pointed to a blog that basically says, “Nev er switch this on ever or the universe

will explode.”) Since you do not need to change any setting, just click the Add

Attributes from Structure button.

Figure 12.6 Creating a Selction Option Context: Part 1


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