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Importing SAPUI5 Applications to SAP ERP 13.6

will be asked for the client and user name and password (unless single sign-on is

active). If all goes well, then the connec tion is established. Remember, if your

backend SAP system is not on a high enou gh level, then you will get error messages

at this point about not supporting Eclipse tools or not supporting team providers.

Figure 13.44 Moving an SAPUI5 Application into SAP

If there are no errors, then the next box will talk about creating a new BSP application

and what package you want to put it in. If this is not a local object, then

you will be asked for a tran sport request, as might be expected. After that, the

dialog is finished, and you would expect that you’ve moved your application

into ABAP—but no, you haven’t. All yo u’ve done is to express your strong

desire to do so.

You have to select the main Monster Monitor node in Eclipse once more, and this

time choose Team 폷 Submit. Then, you’ll see a box with a big list of files to move

into the SAP system. You may wonder why this is a two-step process. The whole

idea of Eclipse is strange to an ABAP developer; you can have several developers

changing the same program on their loca l machines and then they both try to


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