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Frontend Tasks: Creating the View and Controller Using SAPUI5 13.4



Listing 13.10 Defining the Column Titles

Now, it’s time to decide what values should be displayed inside each column. In

Listing 13.11, the first thing that you do isto say that the rows in this column can

be navigated; that is, they do somethin g when someone clicks the row. In this

case, they tell the controller to invoke its OnMonsterSelected function.

Now, move on to the contents of each cell in the rows in the table. Start with the

identifier: the title is the monster name, which people can search for, and the text

description is the number. Usually, in SA P reports this is the other way around,

but in real life nobody knows monster numbers—but they do know names (i.e.,

no one ever screams, “Oh no! Here comes Number 12678!”, but they do scream,

“Oh no! Here comes the Creeping Terror!”).

The next three lines say what fields from your monster structure are going to be

queried for their values to go into the row cells. There are two things to note

here. First, you’ll notice that each field from the structure (e.g., color), which is

going to be replaced by a value, is enclosed in curly brackets ({ }). This is just the

same as the way string processing works in ABAP now: If you enclose a variable

in a string, then in that same set of brackets it gets replaced with the variable’s

value at runtime. Second, you may notice that there are fields from the monster

header structure that have been used throughout this book: Color is a field stored

in the database, but SanityDescription and HatSizeDescription are transient

fields that get determined at runtime by looking up the text description of a

related database field. Normally, you’d have to do some coding to get those text

values. Here, you don’t, because your model uses BOPF, which fills out such

fields automatically without your having to worry your pretty little head about

anything. The cumulative result is shown in Figure 13.30.


<ColumnListItem type="Navigation"



<ObjectIdentifier title="{Name}"

text="Monster Id {MonsterNumber}"

class="sapMTableContentMargin" />

<Text text="{Color}" />

<Text text="{SanityDescription}" />

<Text text="{HatSizeDescription}" />



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