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ALV SALV Reporting Framework

Refreshing the Display Method

The code for refreshing the DISPLAY method is self-explanatory. Often, a user

action changes the data (e.g., the user chose a purchase order from a list of unreleased

purchase orders and released it, and so you want to remove the processed

item from the list).

The actual changing of the database is not the job of the view, but after the application

model makes the change, it raises a data changed event, which causes the

controller to tell th e view to call this refresh method so that the user sees the

updated values in the report.

The REFRESH method shown in Listing 10.22 (whi ch you want to call when the

report data has changed for whatever reason) is a bit meatier than the code to display

the report, but just as simple. The important thing here is to make the refresh

stable—so even though the data may change , the user’s cursor stays where it is,

which is not the default system behavior.

METHOD zif_bc_alv_report_view~refresh_display.

* Local Variables

DATA: ls_stable_refresh TYPE lvc_s_stbl.

"I am going to be a madman and suggest that when a user refreshes

"the display because data has changed, they want the cursor to

"stay where it is as opposed to jumping six pages up to the start

"of the report, which is the default behavior

ls_stable_refresh-row = abap_true.

ls_stable_refresh-col = abap_true.

mo_alv_grid->refresh( s_stable = ls_stable_refresh ).


Listing 10.22 REFRESH_DISPLAY Method

Future Proofing

The logical extension of the ability to wrap the SALV in the standard interface is that if

and when SAP comes up with the successor to the SALV reporting framework, all you’ll

need to do is create a new subclass that implements the generic view interface, create

implementations for each of the interface methods to deal with the specific way the

new technology will deal with each task, and then go around changing existing reports

to use the new technology at the drop of a hat—rather than having to rewrite them all.


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