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Using BOPF to Write a DYNPRO-Style Program 8.2

CREATE DATA rdo_data

TYPE (ls_node_confguration-data_table_type).

ASSIGN rdo_data->* TO <lt_data>.

"Have to put the key in a table for some reason

APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_object_key ASSIGNING <ls_key>.

<ls_key>-key = id_object_key.

"Off we go!


EXPORTING iv_node_key = id_parent_node_type


= lt_object_key

iv_association = id_child_node_type

iv_fill_data = abap_true

IMPORTING eo_message = lo_message

et_data = <lt_data> ).

"Error Handling

CHECK lo_message IS BOUND.

"The check method makes sure there are actually error messages

"in the message table that came back

CHECK lo_message->check( ) EQ abap_true.


EXPORTING mo_message = lo_message.

ENDMETHOD. "Get Child Node Table

Listing 8.6 Getting the Item Table (Child Node Table)

All throughout the example code, you will notice lots of error handling, which

just throws the error up through the call stack and out of the model class so that

whatever program called the model class can deal with it. Usually, when the read

fails it’s because the calling program gave rubbish data, so the fault lies with the

caller; or perhaps the calling program wants the database read to fail, because it

may be trying to make sure it does not try to create two monsters with the same

number. The latter case is very important in BOPF, because the real primary key

is a GUID—so if your actual primary key is the monster number, then you have to

enforce uniqueness yourself.

In a DYNPRO-type program, the read on th e database is done at the start to get

the monster data to display or to change or (in the case of external numbering) to

make sure no existing monster has the number you’re about to create. In the case

of change, you now need to ensure that nobody else is also trying to change the

monster you’re interested in.


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