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Adding Elements with OpenUI5 13.5

Due to all the effort you just made to define proxy settings and the like, you can

now select Monster Monitor in the top-left-hand corner of the Eclipse screen,

and choose Run As 폷 Web App Preview. A new tab appears, and after a few seconds

your application screen appears (Figure 13.37).

Figure 13.37 Testing an SAPUI5 Application in Eclipse

If you click on the blue ball in the top-right-hand corner, then your default Internet

browser will open (as mentioned earlie r, if your default browser is Internet

Explorer, then this may not work), and you can see the screen in a full web page.

13.5 Adding Elements with OpenUI5

You may have heard that the Eskimos have three million words for snow. In the

same way, there are often many different terms referring to the same (or almost

the same) thing in the SAP sphere, and this confuses people to no end. For example,

you may have heard the terms “UI Development Toolkit for HTML5,”

“SAPUI5,” and “OpenUI5” and wondered what the difference was.

The first two are one and the same. SAPUI5 is a JavaScript library of assorted

functions that relate to UI elements. OpenUI5 is the open-source version of

SAPUI5. The only difference is that SAPUI5 contains functions that solely relate to

SAP-specific concepts and wouldn’t make sense in any other environment. The

functions in OpenUI5 can be used by anybody at all, even if they never have and

would not touch SAP with a 10-foot barg epole. As might be imagined, OpenUI5

contains a very large percentage of the SAPUI5 functions.


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