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Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore,

if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not

smart enough to debug it.

—Brian W. Kernighan and P. J. Plauger, The Elements of Programming Style

5 Debugger Scripting

Most of us hate bugs, be they the ones in our programs or the ones with 500 legs

and two bright red pincers, those that crawl up our legs when we’re not looking.

Therefore, in previous chapters you’ve seen how you can do dynamic tests as an

integral part of writing programs wi th test-driven development and how the

ABAP Test Cockpit helps with static chec ks on your code. These elements represent

a two-pronged attack on bugs that tries to kill them before they have taken


However, bugs are always with us; a program almost never does everything that

was desired with no errors the very first time it is run in Development or QA.

(This despite Robert C. Martin’s insistence in The Clean Coder that “QA should find

nothing.”) You should always expect the first few tests—by yourself or others—to

return unexpected results.

If someone else tells you that the mons ter simulator program is producing blue

monsters with two heads when you were expecting green monsters with three

heads, then you need to identify the so urce of the problem. If you’ve ever done

this—and I suspect you have—then you know that there are days when you

spend four hours looking for the problem, and once it finally rears its ugly head

the solution is so obvious that you can make the code change to fix up whatever

it is in about two minutes flat.

The problem at hand is that you sit in front of a debugger looking for the same

sort of thing in different programs, ag ain and again, month after month, year

after year, when you would rather spend that time writing programs. What if you

could solve this problem by doing exactly that—writing programs—thus turning

something really boring into something really fun and solving your employer’s


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