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Building the WDA Application 12.2

the header details of one monster. Create a new node from the context root node

and this time call the node MONSTER_HEADER. Define this node with the exact same

fields as the header table has. The difference is going to be the usage; i.e., this will

be used to display a single record rather than a table.

Next, create the node for the table of monster items. Go back to the root context

node and repeat the exact same procedure you went through before, defining the

MONSTER_HEADER_TABLE node for the MONSTER_ITEM_TABLE node. However, this

time, use the ZCS_MONTER_ITEM structure as opposed to the ZSC_MONSTER_HEADER

structure. Once you’ve done this, the Context tab in your cont roller looks like

the one shown in Figure 12.8.

Figure 12.8 Complete Context Hierarchy

In WDA terms, you’ve created four no des; this is important to remember,

because from here on in when you want to read or write to these structures, you

have to use the term “node.” (WDA experts would wonder why I am belaboring

this point; to them it’s as plain as the node on your face.)


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