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Enhancing Custom Reports with ABAP2XLSX 11.2

"You want the user to start on the first worksheet

lo_excel->set_active_sheet_index( 1 ).

Listing 11.24 Setting Up the Pie Chart Worksheet

Figure 11.12 Pie Chart

The drawing object can also accept bar charts and line charts. The code to do so is

slightly different than the pie chart example, but it follows the exact same principles:

creating a specific chart type object, setting its specific properties, and then

adding it to a generic drawing object. The examples that come with ABAP2XLSX

show how to do this.

11.2.7 Embedding Macros

Most companies are crawling with spreadsh eets that have had all sorts of fancy

macros added. Usually, once a month (or however frequently there is a need for

a given SAP report to be run) a report is downloaded into a spreadsheet from

SAP, and then a macro is run to perform some conversions on the data to save


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