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There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception.

—James Thurber

7 Exception Classes and Design

by Contract

Most people have heard the phrase, “There are only two sure things in life: death

and taxes.” With computer programs, you can introduce another sure thing:

unexpected situations. Sure, you’d like the program flow to always follow the

happy path, on which everything proceeds according to the original design. However,

another common saying is, “No battle plan survives contact with the

enemy.” In real life, as soon as the prog ram is running, the user is going to type

in something unexpected, or an external system will send in something unexpected,

or one of a million possible other things will go wrong. These things are

referred to as exceptions.

To better understand what an exception really is, imagine a situation where you

have 100 monsters to be dispatched, and you ask the user how many he wants

every hour. Then, you divide 100 by the user input to see how long it will take to

dispatch all the monsters (e.g., 20 mons ters per hour = 100/20, meaning that it

takes five hours in total). Here are some possible exceptions:

왘 The user enters zero as the input value, leading to a division by zero dump.

왘 The user enters something like “hello” instead of a number.

왘 The user enters a correct value, but th en a database read on a configuration

table that you thought would always return a value doesn’t, because someone

accidently deleted the configuration table entries.

왘 A wombat chews through the underground cable, causing the user to lose his

connection to the SAP central instance.

왘 There’s a programming error in part of the program code, which only gets

triggered in rare circumstances (e.g., only when the user enters a value higher


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