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ALV SALV Reporting Framework

ing the DISPLAY method. If all you want to do is show a basic report, then there is

no need to go through the process of ac tually creating a report interface. However,

in reality, 99 times out of 100 yo u want to modify the standard display in

some way, and this is why you need to have a concrete SALV-specific class that

implements your custom interface.

If you do have a concrete SALV-specific class that implements a custom interface,

then you do not call the FACTORY method of the CL_SALV_TABLE but rather create an

instance of your concrete SALV class and call a method of that to display the report.


In his book Clean Code (see the “Recommended Reading” box at the end of this chapter),

Robert Martin says that a program shouldbe like a newspaper: You start off looking

at the headlines and then drill into anything you find interesting. In the following sections,

whenever there is a code sample, that sample will start off with a small routine

that calls several methods. Then each of these methods is examined in detail (which

usually involves branching off into several more methods).

Listing 10.1 shows how to call a reportusing a class that implements the common

API—in this case, your SALV class. You start off creating a local class that inherits

from the concrete SALV class so that you can redefine the APPLICATION_

SPECIFIC_CHANGES method. Next, the data to be displayed is read into an internal

table. Finally, a method of your SALV-spe cific class is called in order to display

the report. This is only about 1% more complicated than calling the FACTORY

method, but it gives you much more flexibility.



DATA: gt_monsters TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ztvc_monsters.

PARAMETERS: p_vari TYPE disvariant-variant.

CLASS lcl_view DEFINITION INHERITING FROM zcl_bc_view_salv_table.


METHODS : application_specific_changes REDEFINITION.


DATA :lo_view TYPE REF TO lcl_view,

ld_repid TYPE sy-repid.




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