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ABAP Programming for SAP HANA

implement the code pushdown. This section will conclude with an example that

shows a case in which code should be pushed down.

15.4.1 How to Find Custom Code that Needs to Be Pushed Down

Luckily for you, SAP has realized that you might need some help locating code to

be pushed down, and provides tool support for exactly this purpose. The tools

provided to you enable an analysis of the SAP environment at your organization

and spit out a list of what sections of your custom code you need to have a look

at with a view to pushing down the code.

There are three transactions working in tandem that enable this analysis:

왘 The ABAP Test Cockpit (SATC)

왘 The SQL Monitor (SQLM)

왘 The SQL Worklist (SWLT)

The ABAP Test Cockpit (which, as you’ll recall, was the subject of Chapter 4) does

a static check of your custom code in the development system. SQLM is a transaction

for analyzing database calls in production; the results look just like ST05.

The big differences are as follows:

왘 ST05 is designed for a one-off analysis of a single program; this is designed for

analyzing everything in the system and holding on to that data for a protracted

period (e.g., everything that happened in the system for a year).

왘 This information can be retrieved from the development system via RFC.

The last member of this trio is anothe r new transaction called the SQL Worklist

(Transaction SWLT; Figure 15.9), which retrieves the production data from SQLM

via RFC. Then, coupled with a static analysis of the ABAP code via the ATC, Transaction

SWLT gives you a ranked worklist of what routines could do with being

improved generally and, once you’re co nsidering a da tabase migration, what

code could do with being pushed down into the SAP HANA database.

In a nutshell, ATC + SQLM => SWLT.

Exactly how to go about the SWLT proc ess to hunt down code that could be

improved by moving to the database could fill up a book all on its own. Luckily,

there has been so much written on this subject that you do not have to go hunting

far (see the “Recommended Reading” box at the end of this chapter for a starting



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