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It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: It would be a jolly sight

harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at

present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent

egg. We must be hatched or go bad.

—C. S. Lewis


Eggs are no doubt lovely places to be inside, full of food and warm from mum sitting

on top of the egg. However, living inside an egg most likely does not give you

a very good idea of the changes taking place in the outside world. In the world of

SAP, such change can be horrifyingly scary: There is an army of programmers at

SAP constantly disgorging a stream of new goodies. Developers around the world

would probably love them—but often 99% of such programmers remain hidden

inside their eggs, blissfully ignorant of the new treasure chest in their SAP system


To avoid this all-too-common situation, th e purpose of this book is to shine a

spotlight on such improvements. As such, it is aimed at any and all inquisitive

ABAP developers. While I cover new technology, I also cover some topics that

might not be considered “new”; this is because I have noticed that many people

who are unaware of SAP-delivered improv ements that came out six months ago

are equally unaware of improvements that came out five years ago. I will give

these topics some attention because it’s very possible that you are discovering

them for the first time.

The idea for this book comes from an observed reluctance to use new technology

and, at the same time, a compulsion to use new technology. One of the best blog

posts ever on the SAP Community Netw ork website was one by Graham Robinson

called “A Call to Arms for ABAP Developers.” In this post, Robinson provides

a (supposedly fictitious) example of an ABAP developer who joins a consulting

company at the start of the SAP wave in the late nineties. He learns all there is to

know about SAP development as it was at that point—all at the client’s expense—


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