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ABAP Test Cockpit

Figure 4.15 UPL Control Screen

Usability experts have said that if you want your users to click a button in an application,

then make it big, red, and dangerous looking,preferably with “Do not press this” written

next to it. The START button in Figure 4.15 qualifies. Luckily, the world does not blow

up if you click it; instead, you see the message UPL engine for data collection started,

which is a bit of an anticlimax.

Next, click the green Job Status icon, and you are taken to SM37, where you’ll see that

a job has been scheduled to collect the usage data at one second after midnight each


Once the job has run a few times, you can view the data by choosing the box in Transaction

/SDA/CD_CCA called UPL Show (as in “Let’s raise the curtain on the UPL show

tonight”), which is above the Code Quality box—the latter being the ABAP Test Cockpit


You end up with a ranked list of every Z object that was executed in production, analyzed

down to the subroutine level. By comparing this to your total list of Z objects, you

can see what is never used and set about retiring that dead code.

For the code that remains (and you will probably be shocked how little there is as a percentage

of the total), you can rank the objects by execution frequency. If the ATC gives

you 10 million errors for the (actually used) custom code base, then you know which

objects to concentrate on first.

This is exactly like what we all do in production all the time, looking at the most expensive

SQL statements ranked in order of number of executions (Transaction ST04) with a

view to improving them.

4.3 Recent Code Inspector Enhancements

Because SAP regularly makes enhancements to the Code Inspector, the purpose of

this section is to outline some of the morerecent checks. The headings in this section

identify the functionality by name and then are followed by a series of three


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