
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis interdum, dolor a egestas vestibulum, lectus tortor vulputate sapien, quis faucibus arcu sem nec mauris. Maecenas id lorem odio. Integer lacinia mi vel leo viverra, pharetra pulvinar justo accumsan. Etiam consequat mi lacus, dictum cursus elit auctor suscipit. Nam facilisis magna eu nisl hendrerit pellentesque. In eget nisl id lacus feugiat commodo. Ut sodales felis vel aliquam porta. Aliquam felis purus, tempor ut arcu vitae, pretium imperdiet mauris. Vivamus sed volutpat ipsum. Quisque sodales felis egestas urna pretium faucibus. Donec elementum facilisis vulputate. Donec quis auctor diam, suscipit blandit risus. Mauris tristique facilisis ligula, eu dictum eros cursus at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus ex elit, pulvinar commodo ipsum at, elementum facilisis neque. Maecenas dictum turpis sit amet tellus placerat, non vehicula quam vehicula. Donec quis faucibus orci, non consectetur augue. Aenean tempor leo non quam varius, at euismod sapien tristique. Vestibulum vel nisi eget lacus consectetur ultricies. Suspendisse dapibus consectetur nunc eu ultrices. In ullamcorper venenatis dui, eget molestie augue lobortis non. Curabitur nec consectetur ante. Donec a dignissim ex. Nam eu sodales elit. Fusce pulvinar auctor luctus. Phasellus ultricies orci luctus auctor tristique. Donec mattis ex id nisi varius, in porta lorem porta. Suspendisse cras amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis interdum, dolor a egestas vestibulum, lectus tortor vulputate sapien, quis faucibus arcu sem nec mauris. Maecenas id lorem odio. Integer lacinia mi vel leo viverra, pharetra pulvinar justo accumsan. Etiam consequat mi lacus, dictum cursus elit auctor suscipit. Nam facilisis magna eu nisl hendrerit pellentesque. In eget nisl id lacus feugiat commodo. Ut sodales felis vel aliquam porta. Aliquam felis purus, tempor ut arcu vitae, pretium imperdiet mauris.

Vivamus sed volutpat ipsum. Quisque sodales felis egestas urna pretium faucibus. Donec elementum facilisis vulputate. Donec quis auctor diam, suscipit blandit risus. Mauris tristique facilisis ligula, eu dictum eros cursus at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus ex elit, pulvinar commodo ipsum at, elementum facilisis neque. Maecenas dictum turpis sit amet tellus placerat, non vehicula quam vehicula. Donec quis faucibus orci, non consectetur augue. Aenean tempor leo non quam varius, at euismod sapien tristique.

Vestibulum vel nisi eget lacus consectetur ultricies. Suspendisse dapibus consectetur nunc eu ultrices. In ullamcorper venenatis dui, eget molestie augue lobortis non. Curabitur nec consectetur ante. Donec a dignissim ex. Nam eu sodales elit. Fusce pulvinar auctor luctus. Phasellus ultricies orci luctus auctor tristique. Donec mattis ex id nisi varius, in porta lorem porta. Suspendisse cras amet.


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For perfectly baked cookies, preheat the oven, which takes about 10 to 15

minutes, depending on your oven.


If baking just one sheet or pan of cookies at a time, place it on a rack set in the

center of the oven and change from back to front halfway through the baking

cycle. Leave at least 2 inches of space on all sides between the edge of the sheet

and the oven walls for proper air circulation.


Lining baking pans with aluminum foil is a great way to avoid messy cleanup

whenever you bake bar cookies and brownies. Doing so also makes it easy to

remove the entire batch of brownies or bars from the pan, making the cutting of

perfectly uniform squares and bars a snap.

When bars are cool or nearly cool, simply lift them out of the pan, peel back

the foil, and cut. Foil-lining is also a boon during holiday baking seasons,

allowing for the production of multiple batches of bars and brownies in no time,

with virtually no cleanup.

Foil-lining is simple. Begin by turning the pan upside down. Tear off a piece

of aluminum foil longer than the pan, and shape the foil over the pan. Carefully

remove the foil and set aside. Flip the pan over and gently fit the shaped foil into

the pan, allowing the foil to hang over the sides (the overhanging ends will work

as “handles” when the brownies or bars are removed).


It’s okay to bake more than one sheet of cookies at a time. Use the upper and

lower thirds of the oven, reversing sheets from upper to lower and front to back

about halfway through the baking period to ensure even baking. Even the best

ovens can build up hot spots in certain areas.

Keep in mind, too, that two sheets of cookies in the oven may require a

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