Timothy A. Philpot - Mechanics of materials _ an integrated learning system-John Wiley (2017)

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Now compute the deformations in each of the three members. Member (1) is a solid aluminum

rod 20 mm in diameter; therefore, its cross-sectional area is A 1 = 314.159 mm 2 , and

FL 1 1 (4 kN)(1, 000 N/kN)(2.0 m)(1,000 mm/m)

δ 1 = = = 0.364 mm


AE (314.159 mm )(70 GPa)(1,000 MPa/GPa)

1 1

Member (2) has a diameter of 24 mm; therefore, its cross-sectional area is

A 2 = 452.389 mm 2 , and we have

FL 2 2 ( 16kN)(1,000 N/kN)(2.5 m)(1,000 mm/m)

δ 2 = = − =−1.263 mm


AE (452.389 mm )(70 GPa)(1,000 MPa/GPa)

2 2

The negative value of δ 2 indicates that member (2) contracts.

Member (3) is a solid steel rod 16 mm in diameter. Its cross-sectional area is A 3 =

201.062 mm 2 , and

FL 3 3 (8 kN)(1, 000 N/kN)(3.0 m)(1,000 mm/m)

δ 3 = = = 0.597 mm


AE (201.062 mm )(200 GPa)(1,000 MPa/GPa)

3 3

Geometry of Deformations

Since the joint displacements of B, C, and D relative to joint A are desired, joint A will be

taken as the origin of the coordinate system. How are the joint displacements related to

the member deformations in the compound axial member? The deformation of an axial

member can be expressed as the difference between the displacements of the end joints of

the member. For example, the deformation of member (1) can be expressed as the difference

between the displacement of joint A (i.e., the −x end of the member) and the displacement

of joint B (i.e., the +x end of the member):

Similarly, for members (2) and (3),

δ = u − u


δ = u − u and δ = u − u


2 C B 3 D C

Since the displacements are measured relative to joint A, define the displacement of joint

A as u A = 0. The preceding equations can then be solved for the joint displacements in

terms of the member elongations:

u = δ , u = u + δ = δ + δ , and u = u + δ = δ + δ + δ

B 1 C B 2 1 2 D C 3 1 2 3

Using these expressions, we can now compute the joint displacements:

u = δ = 0.364 mm = 0.364 mm →

B 1

u = δ + δ = 0.364 mm + ( − 1.263 mm) =− 0.899 mm = 0.899 mm ←

C 2 2

u = δ + δ + δ = 0.364 mm + ( − 1.263 mm) + 0.597 mm = −0.302 mm

D 1 2 3

= 0.302 mm ← Ans.

A positive value for u indicates a displacement in the +x direction, and a negative u indicates

a displacement in the –x direction. Thus, joint D moves to the left even though tension

exists in member (3).

The nomenclature and sign conventions introduced in this example may seem

unnecessary for such a simple problem. However, the calculation procedure established

here will prove quite powerful as problems that are more complex are introduced, particularly

problems that cannot be solved with statics alone.



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