Timothy A. Philpot - Mechanics of materials _ an integrated learning system-John Wiley (2017)

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w(x) = w G at G. At A, where the distributed load w is zero, the slope of the shear-force

diagram is also zero. Moving to the right along the beam span, the distributed load increases

to a small positive value at B and, accordingly, the slope of the shear-force diagram at B is

a small positive value (i.e., the shear-force diagram slopes slightly upward). At points C

through G, the magnitude of the distributed load gets larger and larger (i.e., more and more

positive). Similarly, the slope of the shear-force diagram at these points becomes increasingly

more positive. In other words, the V curve gets increasingly steeper as the distributed

load w gets larger.

In a similar manner, Equation (7.2) states that the slope of the bending-moment

diagram at any point is equal to the shear force V at that same point. At point A in Figure

7.9, the shear force V A is a relatively large negative value; therefore, the slope of

the bending-moment diagram is a relatively large negative value. In other words, the

M diagram slopes sharply downward. At points B and C, the shear forces V B and V C are

still negative, but not as negative as V A . Consequently, the M diagram still slopes downward,

but not as steeply as at A. At point D, the shear force V D is zero, meaning that the

slope of the M diagram is zero. (This fact represents an important detail because the

maximum and minimum values of a function are at those locations where the slope of

the V diagram is zero.) At point E, the shear force V E becomes a small positive number

and, accordingly, the M diagram begins to slope upward slightly. At points F and G, the

shear forces V F and V G are relatively large positive numbers, meaning that the M diagram

slopes sharply upward.

Equations (7.1) and (7.2) may be rewritten in the form dV = w(x) dx and dM = V dx. The

terms w(x) dx and V dx represent differential areas under the distributed-load and shear-force

diagrams, respectively. Equation (7.1) can be integrated between any two locations x 1 and

x 2 on the beam:





dV =





wx ( ) dx


graphical Method for

Constructing Shear and

Moment diagrams

For brevity, the shear-force

diagram is also termed the V

diagram or the V curve. The

bending-moment diagram is

also termed the M diagram

or the M curve.

Integrating gives the following relationship:


∆ V = V − V = w( x)


2 1

Similarly, Equation (7.2) can be expressed in integral form as

which gives the relationship


∫ dM =












The terms load diagram and

distributed-load curve are

synonyms. For brevity, the

distributed-load curve is

referred to as the w diagram

or the w curve.


∆ M = M − M = Vdx


2 1

Equation (7.3) reveals that the change in shear force, ∆V, between any two points on the

beam is equal to the area under the distributed-load curve between those same two points.

Similarly, Equation (7.4) states that the change in bending moment, ∆M, between any two

points is equal to the corresponding area under the shear-force curve.

To illustrate the significance of Equations (7.3) and (7.4), consider the beam shown in

Figure 7.10. The change in shear force between points E and F can be found from the area

under the distributed-load curve between those same two points. Similarly, the change in

bending moment between points B and C is given by the area under the V curve between

those same two points.





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