year 8 maths

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Circumference of circles


3B Circumference of circles


Since ancient times people have known about a special number that links a circle’s diameter to its

circumference. We know this number as pi (π). π is a mathematical constant that appears in formulas

relating to circles, but it is also important in many other areas of mathematics. The actual value of π has

been studied and approximated by ancient and more modern civilisations over thousands of years.

The Egyptians knew π was slightly more than 3 and approximated it to be 256 ≈ 3.16 . The Babylonians




≈ 3.125 and the ancient Indians used


108 ≈ 3.139 .

It is believed that Archimedes of Syracus (287−212 bce ) was the first person to use a mathematical

technique to evaluate π . He was able to prove that π was greater than 223

71 and less than 22 . In 480 ad , the


Chinese mathematician Zu Chongzhi showed that π was close to 335 ≈ 3.1415929 , which is accurate to


seven decimal places.

Before the use of calculators, the fraction 22 was commonly used as a good and simple approximation to π .


Interestingly, mathematicians have been able to prove that π is an irrational number, which means that

there is no fraction that can be found that is exactly equal to π . If the exact value of π was written down as

a decimal, the decimal places would continue forever with no repeated pattern.


L et’s start: Discovering pi


1 Find a circular object like a dinner plate or a wheel .

2 Use a tape measure or string to measure the circumference (in mm) .

3 Measure the diameter (in mm) .

4 Use a calculator to divide the circumference by the diameter. (It should be about 3.14 .)

5 Repeat steps 1 to 4 with a larger or smaller object.

■ Features of a circle

• Diameter (d) is the distance across the centre of a circle.

• Radius (r) is the distance from the centre to the circle. Note: d = 2r .

■ Circumference (C ) is the distance around a circle.

• C = 2πr or C = πd .




Key ideas

■ Pi (π) ≈ 3.14159 (correct to five decimal places)


• Common approximations include 3.14 and

7 .

• A more precise estimate for pi can be found on most calculators or on the internet.

Cambridge Maths NSW

Stage 4 Year 8 Second edition

ISBN 978-1-108-46627-1 © Palmer et al. 2018

Cambridge University Press

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