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168 Chapter 3 Measurement and Pythagoras’ theorem

Example 22

Using time zones

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and is based on the time in Greenwich, United Kingdom. Use the

world time zone map (on pages 166–7) to answer the following.

a When it is 2 p.m. UTC, find the time in these places.

i France

ii China

iii Queensland

iv Alaska

b When it is 9:35 a.m. in New South Wales, Australia, find the time in these places.

i Alice Springs

ii Perth

iii London

iv central Greenland



a i 2 p.m. + 1 hour = 3 p.m. Use the time zone map to see that France is to the east of

Greenwich and is in a zone that is 1 hour ahead.

ii 2 p.m. + 8 hours = 10 p.m. From the time zone map, China is 8 hours ahead of


iii 2 p.m. + 10 hours = 12 a.m . Queensland uses Eastern Standard Time, which is 10 hours

ahead of Greenwich.

iv 2 p.m. – 9 hours = 5 a.m . Alaska is to the west of Greenwich, in a time zone that is

9 hours behind.

b i 9:35 a.m. – 1 2 hour = 9:05 a.m . Alice Springs uses Central Standard Time, which is 1 2 hour

behind Eastern Standard Time.

ii 9:35 a.m. – 2 hours = 7:35 a.m. Perth uses Western Standard Time, which is 2 hours behind

Eastern Standard Time.

iii 9:35 a.m. – 10 hours = 11:35 p.m .

(the day before)

iv 9:35 a.m. – 13 hours = 8:35 p.m .

(the day before)

UTC (time in Greenwich, United Kingdom) is 10 hours

behind EST.

Central Greenland is 3 hours behind UTC in Greenwich,

so is 13 hours behind EST.

Exercise 3J



1–3, 4–6(½), 7, 8–9(½) 3, 4–6(½), 7, 8–10(½) 4–6(½), 7, 8–10(½), 11

1 From options A to F , match up the time units with the most appropriate description.

a single heartbeat A 1 hour

b 40 hours of work

B 1 minute

c duration of a university lecture C 1 day

d bank term deposit

D 1 week

e 200 m run E 1 year

f flight from Australia to the UK F 1 second

Cambridge Maths NSW

Stage 4 Year 8 Second edition

ISBN 978-1-108-46627-1 © Palmer et al. 2018

Cambridge University Press

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