year 8 maths

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Data collection, representation and analysis 520

Pre-test 522

9A Types of data 523

9B Dot plots and column graphs 529

9C Line graphs 539

9D Sector graphs and divided bar graphs 545

9E Frequency distribution tables 551

9F Frequency histograms and frequency polygons 557

9G Mean, median, mode and range 564

9H Interquartile range EXTENSION 569

9I Stem-and-leaf plots 573

9J Surveying and sampling 579

Investigation 584

Puzzles and challenges 585

Review: Chapter summary 586

Multiple-choice questions 587

Short-answer questions 589

Extended-response questions 591

Statistics and Probability

Data collection and representation

Single variable data analysis

MA4–19SP, MA4–20SP

Semester review 2 592

Answers 600

Index 661

Cambridge Maths NSW

Stage 4 Year 8 Second edition

ISBN 978-1-108-46627-1 © Palmer et al. 2018

Cambridge University Press

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