year 8 maths

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Chapter review


10 120 people were asked to nominate their favourite takeaway food from the list: chicken, pizza,

hamburgers, Chinese. The results are given in the table.



chicken 15

pizza 40

hamburgers 30

Chinese 35

a If you want to show the data in a sector graph,

state the angle needed to represent Chinese food.

b What percentage of people prefer hamburgers?

c Represent the results in a sector graph.

11 Consider the data 1, 4, 2, 7, 3, 2, 9, 12 . State the:

a range b mean c median d mode

12 Consider the data 0, 4, 2, 9, 3, 7, 3, 12 . State the:

a range b mean c median d mode

Extended-response questions

1 The number of rainy days experienced throughout a year in a certain town is displayed below.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

No. of rainy days 10 11 3 7 2 0 1 5 6 9 7 5

a Show this information in a line graph.

b For how many days of the year did it rain in this town?

2 At a school camp, a survey was conducted to establish each student’s favourite dessert.

Ice-cream Yoghurt Danish pastry Jelly Pudding Cheesecake

10 5 2 7 4 12

a How many students participated in the survey?

b What is the most popular dessert selected?

c What is the probability that a randomly selected student chooses jelly as their favourite dessert?

d For each of the following methods listed below, state whether it would be a reasonable way of

presenting the survey’s results.

i column graph ii line graph

iii sector graph

iv divided bar graph

e If the campers attend a school with 800 students, how many students from the entire school would

you expect to choose pudding as their preferred dessert?

Cambridge Maths NSW

Stage 4 Year 8 Second edition

ISBN 978-1-108-46627-1 © Palmer et al. 2018

Cambridge University Press

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