year 8 maths

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Semester review 2 595

2 a Complete these tables of values.

i y = 2x + 1

x 0 1 2 3



y = 4 − x

x 0 1 2 3


b Sketch each line on the same number plane and state the point of intersection of the

two lines.

3 Consider the table of values:

x 0 1 2 3 4

y −6 0 6 12 18

Complete this sentence: To find a y value, multiply x by ___________, then __________


4 Find the rule for this table:

x 0 2 4 6

y 3 4 5 6

5 Sketch the curves y = x 2 and y = 2x on the same number plane, by first completing a table

of values with x from −2 to 3 . Write down the point of intersection of the two graphs in the

first quadrant.

Extended-response question


y = 1 − x

−6 −5 −4 −3 −2















y = 5 − 2x

1 2 3 4 5 6


a Use the appropriate line on the graph above to find the solution to the following equations.

i 1 − x = 5 ii 1 − x = 3.5 iii 5 − 2x = 3

iv 5 − 2x =−2 v 1 − x =−5

b Write the coordinates of the point of intersection of these two lines.

Cambridge Maths NSW

Stage 4 Year 8 Second edition

ISBN 978-1-108-46627-1 © Palmer et al. 2018

Cambridge University Press

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