year 8 maths

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Chapter review


Short-answer questions

1 The sector graph shows the mode of transport

office workers use to get to work every day.


a Which mode of transport is the most





b Which mode of transport is the least



government bus

c What angle of the 360° sector graph is


private bus

represented by ‘private buses’?

d If 20000 workers were surveyed, how many


people travelled to work each day by train?

e The year after this survey was taken, it was found that the number of people using government

buses had decreased. Give a reason why this could have occurred.

2 Some students were asked how many hours of study they did before their half-yearly Maths exam.

Their responses are represented in the table below.

0 hours 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours

|| |||| | ||| ||| |||| |||

a How many students are in the class?

b Convert the tally above into a frequency distribution table.

c Draw a histogram to represent the results of the survey.

d What proportion of the class did no study for the exam?

e Calculate the mean number of hours the students in the class spent studying for the exam, giving

the answer correct to one decimal place.

3 a Rewrite the following data in ascending order.

56 52 61 63 43 44 44 72 70 38 55

60 62 59 68 69 74 84 66 53 71 64

b What is the mode?

c What is the median for these scores?

d Calculate the range.

4 The ages of girls in an after-school athletics squad are shown in the table below.

a State the total number of girls in the squad.

b Display their ages in a histogram and draw a frequency polygon on top of it.

c Calculate the mean age of the squad, correct to two decimal places.

d What is the median age of the girls in the squad?

Age (years) Frequency

10 3

11 8

12 12

13 4

14 3


Cambridge Maths NSW

Stage 4 Year 8 Second edition

ISBN 978-1-108-46627-1 © Palmer et al. 2018

Cambridge University Press

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