year 8 maths

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332 Chapter 5 Ratios and rates

Multiple-choice questions

1 A school has 315 boys, 378 girls and 63 teachers. The ratio of students to teachers is:

A 11 : 1 B 1 : 11 C 5 : 6 D 6 : 5 E 7 : 5

Chapter review

2 Find the ratio of the shaded area to the unshaded area in this triangle.

A 3 : 5 B 8 : 5 C 5 : 3 D 5 : 8 E 4 : 3


3 The ratio 500 mm to m is the same as:


A 50 : 2 B 2500 : 1 C 2 : 5 D 2 : 50 E 5 : 2

4 The ratio 1 1 2 : 3

simplifies to:


A 2 : 1 B 1 : 2 C 3 : 4 D 4 : 3 E 3 : 2

5 $750 is divided in the ratio 1 : 3 : 2 . The smallest share is:

A $250 B $125 C $375 D $750 E $75

6 The ratio of the areas of two triangles is 5 : 2 . The area of the larger triangle is 60 cm 2 . What is the area

of the smaller triangle?

A 12 cm 2 B 24 cm 2 C 30 cm 2 D 17 cm 2 E 34 cm 2

7 Callum fills his car with 28 litres of petrol at 142.7 cents per litre. His change from $50 cash is:

A $10 B $39.95 C $71.35 D $40 E $10.05

8 45 km/h is the same as:

A 0.25 m/s B 25 m/s C 12.5 m/s D 75 m/s E 125 m/s

9 A flag is created by enlarging the shaded rectangle, as shown. What is the length of the original


20 cm

80 cm

120 cm

A 20 cm B 30 cm C 40 cm D 13 cm E 10 cm

10 On a map, Sydney and Melbourne are 143.2 mm apart. If the cities are 716 km apart, what scale has

been used?

A 1 : 5 B 1 : 5000 C 1 : 50 000 D 1 : 5 000 000 E 1 : 50

Cambridge Maths NSW

Stage 4 Year 8 Second edition

ISBN 978-1-108-46627-1 © Palmer et al. 2018

Cambridge University Press

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