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18th November 2010. I attended Bury Magistrates Court at the request of Steven Oxborough, XXXXXXXXXX,

Thetford, IP24 XXX tel. 01842 XXXXXX, in spite of the fact that he had failed to show any evidence that I

was liable for Council Tax payments.

I stated the facts briefly in court and within a few seconds, the magistrates ruled that I was in no way liable

for Mr Oxborough’s requested Council Tax payment. Because I was not involved in the matter in any way,

they then required me to leave the courtroom.

29th November 2010. In spite of the clear ruling of the Court, I received a letter from Mr Oxborough stating that

he intended to collect Council Tax from me anyway and charge me a further £65 for the unnecessary court

hearing which he requested, and if I did not pay by 1st December 2010 that he would send bailiffs to remove

my property and he would charge me further amounts for doing that. I wrote back stating that the Court had

ruled that I was not liable in any way and that he had no justification for his demands.

2nd December 2010. Mr Oxborough wrote demanding payment and stating that if payment was not made, then

he would pass the matter to “our Bailiffs” for collection.

7th December 2010. I wrote to Mr Oxborough, stating that in my opinion that should he undertake the actions

which he was proposing, that it would be both unlawful and contempt of court.

10th January 2011. A letter from Mr Oxborough, dated 5th January 2011 was delivered, stating that he had

passed the matter to Rossendales Limited for collection on 10th January and that Rossendales Limited

would be contacting me. No contact details for Rossendales Limited were provided. Just as the letter was

delivered, an employee of Rossendales arrived. After some discussion, during which I informed him of the

Bury Magistrates Court’s ruling that I was not liable for the charge, he left some papers and went away.

I wrote to Rossendales Limited informing them that they had no lawful standing in this matter, stating clearly

that they do not have my permission to involve themselves in my affairs in any way, that the Court had ruled

that I am not liable for any such debt, and requesting them to cease harassing me.

I also wrote to Mr Oxborough, requesting him to cease harassing me as his continuing with this matter

constitutes the criminal offence of harassment under Section 4 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

I also confirmed that there is nobody else living at this address and that I had written to Rossendales Limited

informing them of the Courts ruling in this matter.

15th January 2011. A letter dated 13th January was received from Rossendales stating that they intend to

continue demanding payment (to them). I wrote back requesting that they show any lawful reason why I

should pay them money, and again requesting that they stop harassing me.

24th January 2011. A letter dated 20th January was received from Rossendales Limited, stating that they do not

actually have any relevant authorising paperwork but that they continue to demand payment. I wrote back

stating yet again that I am not liable for any such payment and again requesting them to stop harassing me

over the matter.

24th January 2011. A letter dated 20th January 2011 was received from Steven Oxborough claiming that he had

notified me more than fourteen days in advance of Rossendales Limited visit on 10th January 2011.

As of today’s date, 26th January 2011, I have now received six demand letters plus one demand visit from Steven

Oxborough or his agents. In the light of the clear ruling of Bury Magistrates Court that I personally am not liable

for these charges, Mr Steven Oxborough is continuing to harass me and there is no evidence that he has any

intention of ceasing. I have been courteous and polite in all of my dealing with him and yet he seems determined

to abuse his position of tax-collector and harass me. Consequently, I wish to press charges against him for

harassment under Section 4 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

The police then provided me with this reference:


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