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http://www.free-energy-devices.com/Chapter15.pdf The Historical Background of the Lies - how things

developed in England and America

http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/11316911/ This is a video which expresses the opinion of just one person.

However, I am unable to fault anything said, other than to remark that I, personally, have not one shred of

evidence of collusion on the part of some judges, even though I suspect it to be true.

http://www.lawfulrebellion.org/ This is an important web site with a good deal of relevant information

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElrXrE8AmIc Video explaining how we and our children are being

progressively poisoned.

The 2011 Census

You need to understand clearly where we ‘are at’ at the present time.

There is an independent State called “The Vatican” or “Vatican City” which is located in Italy but which is not part

of Italy and has no ties to Italy. It is not answerable to anyone and does whatever it wants.

That independent State has a subsidiary called “The Inner City of London” or “The Crown”. It is located in

England but it is not part of England nor is it part of Britain. It too, is an independent State, not answerable to

anyone. For anyone living in Britain, it is a foreign power.

Organised crime in Italy is called “The Mafia”. Organised crime in Japan is called “The Yacusa”. Organised crime

in Britain is called “The Law Society” and it is owned and run by that foreign power “The Crown” (which has

nothing to do with any Monarch – names are always chosen to confuse you).

The organised crime branch of The Crown operates a large number of scams and protection rackets. A protection

racket is where an innocent human who has incurred no debt, is told to pay money to some ‘person’ or company

under threat of violence. The amount is decided on by the ‘person’ making the demand and the human is

threatened with violence against his person and/or possessions if he does not pay the full amount of the extortion.

One of these rackets is called “Income Tax”, another is called “Council Tax” another is called the “TV Licence”.

Along with these come many scams where charges are invented and then demanded with menaces. These

include “Value Added Tax”, “Import Duty”, “Road Tax”, “Interest”, “Fines”, etc., etc., etc.

The main reason why the millions of humans cave in to their demands is a very clever deception which they have

been running for a very long time now. They say that the country is a “democracy” and that it is run by “the

people”. That claim would be really funny if it were not so sad and so destructive. They have set up a series of

commercial companies, collectively known as “the government” and they tell the population that they can vote for

their own choice of serving officers in those companies. The pretence is that “the government” looks after the

interests of the population and makes “laws” to protect the population.

This is a very clever deception. “Laws” are actually created by the long-term body of decisions of juries who rule

on criminal offences. What the “government” (which is owned by “The Crown”) does is produce “legislation” and

“statutes”, neither of which are “law” and none of which are actually binding on any human unless that human

chooses to be bound by them. The legislation enacted is whatever is chosen by the owners of the company,

namely, “The Crown” although some of the rank and file MPs may not even realize this. It doesn’t matter in the

slightest which MPs are elected as they have no actual role other than to distract and misdirect the population as

a whole. All significant legislation is produced in accordance with the wishes of “The Crown”, which, you will

recall, is a non-British, foreign power, answerable to nobody.

A very large amount of effort is put into convincing ordinary humans that “statutes” are “laws” which they most

definitely are not. They rely on the fact that most humans know absolutely nothing about the law, combined with

the fact that there are tens of thousands of “statutes” mistakenly thought of as ‘the law’ and as that volume of

legislative rubbish is too vast for any ordinary, uninformed human to know about in detail, nearly everybody will

just ‘go along with’ the established system, not realizing that they are being conned.

Every news broadcast calls ‘statutes’ “the law”. The same goes for films, plays, dramas, books, newspapers,

government literature, and almost anything you like to name. The big push is to persuade the population that they


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