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Red Lodge,

Bury St Edmunds,


Near IP28 XXX

23rd February 2011

Sharon Jones,

Strategic Manager,

Forest Heath District Council,

Breckland House,

St Nicholas Street,



IP24 1BT

Your ref: 71146498

Dear Sharon,

Thank you for your letter dated 21st February 2011. Having read it, I have realized that I should explain the

situation clearly to you and so this letter is intended for you personally. Having been deceived myself for well in

excess of sixty years and having only recently been made aware of the true facts, I can fully understand that you

will not be aware of the actual situation and that due to the many years during which you have been misled, you

will probably find it impossible to accept the facts. However, I feel that I am duty bound to at least present the

facts to you.

The basic requirements of law come from the ten commandments stated in the Bible. In England, the application

of those commandments has resulted in a large body of decisions made by juries of ordinary people who have

heard criminal cases in a court “de jure” or “court of justice”. That body of previous decisions changes gradually

with time as the accepted norms of behaviour alter over the decades. That guiding set of decisions is called “The

Law of the Land” or “Common Law” and that is why England is referred to as a “Common Law jurisdiction”.

Everybody in England is subject to Common Law although that law may be altered in any individual case at the

direction of the jury.

In the year 1600, a commercial company was set up by Lord Falconer of Thoroton. It was named “The Ministry Of

Justice” (D-U-N-S Number 22-549-8526) and it’s commercial business was to receive payment for providing a

supposedly independent and disinterested third-party ruling on a commercial dispute between two parties. Those

hearings are called “de facto” or “factual” hearings and neither Common Law nor a jury is involved. Today, each

local Magistrates Court is a trading name of that original company.

The inner “City of London” is an independent state which is not part of England or the UK. It is Vatican controlled

and is also called “The Crown” and it has nothing to do with any British Monarch. It is run by a cartel of bankers

and lawyers who have set up a society called “The Law Society” which is a fictional legal corporation, and as

such, can only deal with other legal fiction corporations or legal fiction ‘persons’. The main objective of that

society is to control and take money from the general public. This is done by outright deception.

The deception starts when parents are told that they must register the birth of each of their children because that

is “the law”. There is no such requirement in the law and stating that there is, constitutes deliberate and outright

falsehood in direct breach of the commandment “Thou shalt not bear false witness”.

The next step in the deception is that the Registrar of Births and Deaths then creates a commercial corporation

using the same names as those of the child. The corporation name is normally shown in block capitals, the

document of incorporation is called a “Birth Certificate” and is marked copyright of the Crown along with a note

that it is not a document of identification. That certificate of incorporation is filed away and never given to anyone

although copies are generally issued. On the back of the certificate there is normally a trading Bond number as

the bankers usually assign a value to the bond which is then traded on the financial markets. The bond value is

based on the likely lifetime earnings of the child and those future earnings are considered the collateral of the



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