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that Birth Certificate (which is the creation of the legal fiction ‘person’ and the assignment of a Bond Number to

that certificate) and you have not yet managed to do that. There is no doubt in my mind that no such Birth

Certificate exists and consequently, that no such legal fiction ‘person’ exists.

You may further confirm this by checking that the Voting register does not show a MR PATRICK KELLY registered

at this address since 2007 and by performing a search for a corresponding Birth Certificate which will show that

there is no record of any such certificate, which you should be aware, is the mechanism through which the legal

fiction ‘person’ MR PATRICK KELLY would have been created. I suggest that you correct your records by

removing that name. You have full justification for doing that as you have a written statement attesting the fact

that there is no such ‘person’ at this address, nor are there any goods or chattels belonging to any such person at

this address, and a court ruling that the human beings not the ‘person’ on your records. Further, you have the

offer of a sworn affidavit to that effect should you wish to have one.

You should also be aware that in the likely event of Forest Heath District Council dismissing you for “gross

misconduct” that the Benefits section of your society will not pay you Job-Seeker’s Allowance for the first six

months (unless a Case Assessor determines otherwise). It is also likely that Forest Heath District Council will not

pay you redundancy due to the nature of your dismissal. If you feel that ‘they would never do that’ then be

advised that they recently terminated the employment of a man who had worked for them for more than two years

and who had suffered a heart attack, and they refused to pay him redundancy. It is difficult to get a job at this time

no matter how good you are at your job, but it must be almost impossible if you have a criminal conviction for theft.

It may well be that the regulations under which Forest Heath District Council operates, prevent it from employing

those who have criminal convictions and if that is the case, then your dismissal would be automatic.

Let me stress again, that I do not consent to represent any such legal fiction ‘person’ and that the court has ruled

that I, the human being, am not that person, requiring me to leave the courtroom as I was not involved in your

case in any way whatsoever. Further, let me say yet again, that I, the human being, am not a member of the

society whose regulations you are employed to enforce, and I do not consent to be subject to or bound by those


Your present actions are placing you in a dangerous position and as I bear you no ill will whatsoever, I therefore

suggest that you take a prudent course of action by accepting the fact that you cannot obtain money or goods

from an entity which does not exist, removing the name from your records which clearly are in error, and

discontinuing any further action in this matter. If you wish, I am willing to meet with you for a face-to-face

discussion of all of the factors involved in this case, placing you in a better position to make the decisions which

will affect the rest of your life.

We come now to a most serious matter. You appear to be basing your present actions on a Liability Order issued

by the Magistrates Court on 18th November 2010. I consider it my duty to make you aware of the fact that as far

as I can see from the relevant legal regulations, a magistrates Court does not have the authority to hold a hearing

to determine Liability nor to issue a Liability Order. In order to assist you in confirming this for yourself, the

relevant information can be found in the 2010 issue of Stone's Justices' Manual, section 1-382: Magistrates' Court

procedure relating to jurisdiction, it lays down the remit of a Magistrates Court, namely:

1. To try any summary offence.

2. As examining justices over any offence committed by a person who appears or is brought before the court.

3. Subject to SS 18-22 of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980, to try summarily any offence which is tryable either


4. In the exercise of its powers under s 24 of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 to try summarily an indictable


A Liability Hearing does not fall under any of those areas of remit, so it appears that a magistrates Court is not

legally permitted to hold liability Hearings nor to issue Liability Orders. Consequently, any such Order issued by

your court is invalid and no person is legally entitled to base their actions on any such Order.

You need to understand Steven, that it is illegal for you, personally, or your appointed agents, to perform any

actions based on an invalid and illegal Liability Order issued by any Magistrates Court. Any actions which you

take, you take as an individual person and not as a person acting legally on behalf of a Local Council or a

Magistrates Court. Consequently, there is considerable personal risk involved for you. The fact that you have not

been made aware of the situation before is not a defence which a court would countenance as ignorance of the

legal statutes involved is not a defence. I therefore urge you again to be prudent and careful in whatever actions

you decide to take.

In addition, you need to be aware that the statement “the district council is empowered to enforce payments of the

Council Tax through the Magistrates Court” made in the council letter dated 14th October 2010 is factually


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