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Isn't it great to be paying vast sums of money to a commercial company which has

never done anything for you and which holds you in utter contempt because you

haven't discovered their scam and continue to pay lots of ridiculous taxes, fees and

charges, none of which you need to pay at all. Combined, these charges amount to

about 80% of a person's earned income - do you enjoy living on one fifth of what you

actually earn?

To strengthen their scam, they have invented a language of lies called "legal

terminology" where they have changed the meanings of ordinary English words in order

to abuse and rob ordinary members of the public. They have set up a company called

"The Law Society" to train up unscrupulous people in their methods of lies and

deception. Their commercial company which pretends to be the government, keeps

inventing new "statutes" which they pretend are laws (which they most definitely are

not) and they keep telling everybody that they "must obey these laws", and they have

subverted policeman and policewomen and convinced them that they have to enforce

these statutes. The primary aim of these statutes is to take banknotes, goods and

property from members of the public who have not yet discovered that it is a scam

being run against them. Many police officers are probably themselves ignorant of the

fact that statutes are purely optional and no human is actually bound by them.

What you decide to do is entirely up to yourself. You can continue to give away most of

your income to fund people who want to harm you, or you can decide to step outside

this corrupt system, and stop paying these people. All humans are born equal, so there

is nobody who has the right to order you around, unless you agree to give them that

right. The choice is yours.

An Overview of the Historical Con Job

If this has all been a lot of new information for you, then it might be useful to have a

‘thumbnail’ sketch of the outrageous confidence trick which is being played on you. So,

here it is for your local area, and the same situation is found in almost every other area

as well.

It all started before most people were born. It started with two brothers deciding to run

a scam which would make them the richest people in the world and rig

things so that everybody else worked for them without being aware of

that fact. Even though they are literally brothers, in order to distinguish

between them we will call them Mr Government and Mr Banker because

that is what they needed to become in order to run this scam.

Mr Government set up a very clever system of interlocking commercial companies,

choosing names for them which made them look like official government bodies, while

in reality, they are just ordinary companies like any high-street shop. In order to

strengthen the illusion, Mr Government hires people to work for him and gives them

names like “Minister” or “Member of Parliament” or some other meaningless working

title. He employs most of them to sit around and argue with each other, and from time

to time, he swaps them around by asking members of the public to vote for who will be

his employees for the next few years.

This is actually very clever, because it makes members of the public believe that their

voting makes a difference, while Mr Government knows that it doesn’t as he sets


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