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finding might be the reverse of the finding already given. If that is the case, then one of the two

contradictory findings has to be incorrect, which implies that non Magistrates Court finding can be relied

on as it may later be shown to have been unsound, prompting this letter:

Att. D. Carson,

West Suffolk Magistrates Court,

Shire Hall,

Bury St Edmunds,


IP33 1HF


Red Lodge,

Bury St Edmunds,


Near IP28 XXX

13th December 2010

Your Ref: DC/ADP

Dear Sir or Madam,

I should like to thank you for your letter dated 9th December 2010 and express my appreciation of your having

taken the time to reply.

I must apologise for a clerical error in my previous letter to you when I said “until such time as the law is changed

and such matters then become legal” which of course, should have read “until such time as the legislation is

changed and such matters then become legal”.

I take note of your mention of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and the Council Tax (Administration and

Enforcement) Regulations 1992 in relation to Local Authority procedures. However, while these are indeed

interesting, they are not directly relevant to the issue of the remit of Magistrate Courts as defined by Stones

Justices Manual which was issued in 2010. The recent Stones publication is grossly inadequate and highly

misleading if, when defining the scope of jurisdiction of a Magistrates Court, it does not include major areas of

additional jurisdiction. I should be most obliged if you would point me to some specific legislation which authorises

a Magistrates Court to make rulings on liability hearings and issue Liability Orders based on those rulings, as I

have not managed to find any such authorisation.

I find your statement on the possibility of a subsequent Magistrates Court hearing resulting in a contrary ruling

when considering the same information, quite astonishing as that indicates that at least one of those rulings has to

be unsound, which in turn, implies that you believe that any Magistrates Court ruling is liable to be unsound. This

is a most remarkable implication with very far-reaching significance.

However, as you are most certainly aware, statutes and statutory instruments are the regulations of the Law

Society and not being law, they are only binding on members of that society and anybody else who consents to be

bound by them. As I have repeatedly stated in writing, I am not a member of that society and I do not consent to

be bound by those regulations. Consequently, it is of no direct concern to me what the ruling is on the entity

which Forest Heath District Council is attempting to charge Council Tax as I do not consent to represent the

supposed legal ‘person’ “MR PATRICK KELLY” (which I sincerely doubt actually exists as I am not aware of any

corresponding Birth Certificate) and so, Joinder has not been established, nor will I permit it to be.

Further, I requested Forest Heath District Council to provide evidence of any lawful debt owed by myself. This

they failed to do and so estoppel was established in the matter, demonstrating that there is no such outstanding

debt, so again, any court finding on any supposed link between myself and the fiction “MR PATRICK KELLY” does

not have any relevance.


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