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The inner “City of London” is an independent state which is not part of England or the UK. It is Vatican controlled

and is also called “The Crown” and it has nothing to do with any British Monarch. It is run by a cartel of bankers

and lawyers who have set up a society called “The Law Society” which is a fictional legal corporation, and as

such, can only deal with other legal fiction corporations or legal fiction ‘persons’. The main objective of that

society is to control and take money from the general public. This is done by outright deception.

The deception starts when parents are told that they must register the birth of each of their children because that

is “the law”. There is no such requirement in the law and stating that this is the case and so the statement

constitutes deliberate and outright falsehood in direct breach of the commandment “Thou shalt not bear false


The next step in the deception is that the Registrar of Births and Deaths then creates a commercial corporation

using the same names as those of the child. The corporation name is normally shown in block capitals, the

document of incorporation is called a “Birth Certificate” and is marked copyright of the Crown along with a note

that it is not a document of identification. That certificate of incorporation is filed away and never given to anyone

although copies are generally issued. On the back of the certificate there is normally a trading Bond number as

the bankers usually assign a value to the bond which is then traded on the financial markets. The bond value is

based on the likely lifetime earnings of the child and those future earnings are considered the collateral for the


The Law Society deems the issuing of a Birth Certificate as making the child who has the same-sounding name, a

member of the Law Society, and through that membership, subject to the rules and regulations created to govern

the running of that society. That membership is, in reality, purely notional and the individual can resign from that

society, but not until he reaches adulthood. That membership permits a Local Authority to take the child away

from it’s parents should the Local Authority decide to do so. I am informed of one case where a Local Authority

took four children away from their mother and the next day had to return one child as no Birth Certificate had been

issued for that child and consequently, that child was not bound by the regulations of the Law Society.

The commercial organisation, the Law Society, along with the various associated commercial organisations

collectively known as “the government” have produced thousands of regulations to control the people who are

deemed to be members of that society. It was stated recently on the national news that some 7,000 additional

regulations have been produced in the last thirteen years alone. It is a clear objective of the society to make most

people believe that it’s regulations are “the law” which they most certainly are not. Another objective is to make

most people believe that only a lawyer can understand those regulations and their application. Those regulations

are called “statutes” or “statutory instruments” and they only apply to member of that society or anyone else who

chooses to be bound by those regulations. They have nothing whatsoever to do with the law as they are only for

regulating the operations of the private society which created them.

While this is the actual, present situation in England today, I can fully understand that you are not aware of these

facts as they are carefully concealed and a great deal of effort is put into misdirection aimed at convincing you that

“statutes” are “the law” and that “statutes” apply to everyone rather than the reality which is that statutes are

restricted to members of that particular society. News announcements call statutes “the law” which is either gross

ignorance or deliberate falsehood. The same goes for the content of films, political speeches, government

literature and the like. Whatever the motive, the result is the same with the falsehood being spread on a daily

basis, day in, day out, week in, week out, month in, month out, year in, year out until most adults believe the lie

without the slightest question.

Any member of any society can resign at any time. If you happen to wish to claim that anyone is a member of any

society, then you need to show evidence of an application being made to join that society (made knowingly by an

adult following full disclosure of all of the consequences of membership), evidence of acceptance of membership

by an official of that society and evidence that the member has not subsequently resigned from that society.

I can fully understand that following many years of intensive conditioning aimed at making you believe that

“statutes” are “the law”, that you will find it difficult or impossible to grasp the reality of the situation. It is very

difficult to accept that your parents, friends, relations, etc. were deceived. It is much more comfortable to brush

the facts aside and pretend that they are just a wild “conspiracy theory” and not actually true.

So let me state again, there is no law which requires anyone to have a licence of any kind.

The “Mr Patrick Kelly” to which your letter is addressed, would be a legal ‘person’ corporation, crated in or around

the time of my birth by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, using the names Patrick, James and Kelly, supplied by

my parents when they applied for a Birth Certificate. That did not happen as my parents did not make any such

application and so, no such corporation as “Mr Patrick Kelly” was ever created by the issuing of a Birth Certificate

at that time. If your records show that any such corporation exists, then your records are wrong.


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