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4. The signatures of both parties. A copy of a contract is provided to both parties at the time of signature. I

have never received a contract from Forest Heath District Council, setting out the full terms of the

agreement and bearing the wet-ink signature of both parties, nor have I ever had sight of any such

contract document. The piece of paper in your records, by which you set such store, does not constitute

any such contract and I hereby repudiate my signature on that document as it was obtained through

falsehood and intimidation.

I, personally, cannot see any difference between a protection racket run by a gang of violent thugs and your

Council Tax collection scheme. Perhaps you can enlighten me to the differences as they escape me entirely.

With the protection racket, individuals are approached and told that they must make regular payments of whatever

amount the thugs choose, or else they will suffer physical, financial and property loss through violence against the

individual. This is unlawful. With the present system of Council Tax, individuals are approached and told that they

must make regular payments of whatever amount the Council chooses, or else they will suffer physical, financial

and property loss through violence against the individual. This is also unlawful. I can see no difference

whatsoever and if you can, I should be most grateful for your bringing it to my attention. The fact that the

Council’s demands are said to be “legal” has no effect, and on the contrary, it drags the legal system into

disrepute. So, in what respect is the present method of gathering “Council Tax” any different from a protection

racket? There is also no merit in saying that some of the money gathered under the designation of “Council Tax”

is used for worthy projects. That is the equivalent of a mugger attacking an individual, stealing his money and

then comforting him by saying, not to worry, some of the stolen money will be given to charity.

Why are these methods used by Forest Heath District Council? There is no need for any such tactics. Other

large organisations such as BT, Anglian Water and a host of smaller companies, do not use any such tactics and

yet have thriving operations. They invite the individual to contribute in order to receive the benefits which they

offer instead of using threats and intimidation.

I am attaching my latest invoice and current statement of account. You have stated that you have said that you

will not pay the outstanding amount. To the best of my knowledge, that is not the case so perhaps you can draw

my attention to the date of that letter and the paragraph in which you make that statement. You can readily

confirm that I had received no such letter before your requested meeting on 18th November 2010 as I provided

Bury Magistrates Court with a complete copy of all correspondence on both sides. As you will recall, the

magistrates adjourned for some considerable time to examine that correspondence and even called the clerk of

the court in to advise them. You will see from their set of correspondence copies, that I never received a letter

from you disputing my charges or cancelling your requested meeting, which I knew to be a waste of my time and

which the Court promptly confirmed by demanding that I leave the courtroom, not being involved in the case.

Let me draw your attention to the fact that anyone who is asked to undertake any kind of work, is entitled to set

whatever charge he chooses for undertaking that work. You were informed of this well before the wholly

unnecessary meeting on 18th November 2010 in Bury and you had every opportunity to cancel that meeting

which you requested, but did not do so. You were at that time, fully aware of the charges which I make for any

such time-wasting meetings and time-wasting, unnecessary correspondence with yourself and your agents. Being

aware of the charges involved, you have repeatedly chosen to avail yourself of my time and services and

consequently, without any shadow of doubt, you are liable for the charges associated with those things. If you

have any doubt on the matter, just ask a lawyer who will confirm that when you ask for and receive services for

which you were aware there were charges, you are automatically liable for those corresponding charges. You are

not entitled, for example, to go into a barber’s shop, request and receive a haircut and then refuse to pay, and that

is the exact equivalent of what you wish to do with me.

If you or your agents continue to harass me, then I intend to lodge a formal charge of criminal harassment against

you, with the police. That complaint will not be against Forest Heath District Council, but against you personally

as it is your actions which constitute the criminal harassment.

Yours sincerely,

Patrick-James: Kelly as commonly known

Without any acceptance of any liability whatsoever, and with all Indefeasible Rights reserved.


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