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+ The Value Chain

In his 1985 book Competitive Advantage, Michael Porter introduced the value chain. It’s a framework

that follows the company’s internal product processes starting with raw materials and ending with

customer purchase and service. Questioning the effectiveness and efficiencies of these steps during a

case question not only shows an understanding of product flow, but can lead to relevant information to

help you solve the case.

Raw materials and inbound logistics: receiving materials into the warehouse, relationships with

suppliers, “just in time” (JIT) delivery, etc.

Operations: processing raw materials into product through the use of capital equipment and labor

Delivery: warehousing and distribution channels

Marketing and Sales: marketing strategy, identification of customer base and the cost of customer

acquisition, sales force issues (e.g., commission, company car, etc.)

Service: customers support, customer retention (It’s cheaper to retain a customer than to go out and

bring in a new one.)

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