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+ Getting into Dia1e3 :

T ase h i Duf onto intentei ras just a ligrtp eigrtT : 1e3 n Aapso3 uentT uioieg3aiap e l l ate3ial

ouji trat p ue 1e3 Ue.t Uo3 wis1osap e l iia1e3 : b at srouji d r trey io p itr itF

Duf ietejo1ei ont ras a nep late3ial ouji trat p ue g3eat Uo3 wis1osap e l ani iia1e3 : trey

p ant to -nop rop uest to taye aitantage oU tris 1 2oiu.tb

– Yes.

L ne ou e.tite m is to Uigu3e out p

rat to io p itr

tris l ate3ial. gny otre3 ou e.titesF m

– Yes, make a handsome profit. But first, I’d like you to figure out the size of the disposable diaper


L -ay . ? going ’ d to l aye sol e assul 1tionsb N assul c k k e trat tre 1o1 nation l oU tre ( ) is , $

ani l ijjion trat tre jiUe ex1e.tan. v oU an ate3age Al e3i.an is ’ g ea3 v : b Nalso c l going to

assul e trat tre3e a3e eten nul ue3 : oU 1eo1 e lin eavr age g3ou1 b oT ) trat l eans trat tre3e

a3e tre exavt sad e nul ue3 oU tr 3eeA vea3 Aojis as j , ea3 A v Aojisb )o you iitiie , $ g ijjion l u v ’

get Y lijjion 1eo1 e l1e3

age g3ou1 b Oiji3en r p ea3 wia1e3 : ol U 3age ?e3o to tr 3eeT :o tratc ani :

H $ ijjion l . riji3enb N cgoing l to assul e trat ’ g % oU tre . riji3en p ea3 wis1osap e l iia1e3 : T o

tratc : 2 b ijjion $ l -iis til es Uite iia1e3 : a iay a3ouni e9 naling 0 g ijjion l iia1e3 : a iay .

M ujti1 ltrat v u v , hays ani 0 w you get H ’ b ijjion $ u iia1e3 : til esT N on’t w -nop T ay : w $ iia1e3 1 a b

) o tre l a3 -et is AH ’ b ijjion $ u a yea3 b

– So, now we know the market size. What’s next?

d e joo- at tre l ani a3 -et see p ro tre l ajo3 1 aye3 l : a3eT p -ini at r oU la3 -et sra3e eavr ras

p rat tre 1 i.ing 2 iiU Ue3entials a3eb N nop - f 5G h as a la3ge 1a3t oU trat l a3 ani -et N ani -nop

trat tre3e a3e a nul ue3 oU gene3i. uanis 3 as p ejjb j e r.ol 1etition is tougr T ut N n.an’t trin- oU

any ua3 ie3 3 : ouji trat p 3eally sto1 n : b

neei as-ei




.ouji ani



ani ani ani

– So, you think we should get into the diaper business?

YesT u t np e to Uigu3e p rat 1a3t oU tre u n inessb : d en r I you iU tre3e p e3e any otre3

ou e.tites m o3 goalsT vou 1 2oUitb d at r you iiin’t say p as to ue.ol e a d ajo3 1 aye3 l in tre

.onsul e3 wia1e3 : la3 -etb j at rl eans trat tre3e a3e sete3al p ays p e ente3 b Ni-e c w to kjist

trel tren T joo- at tre aitantages iisaitantages oU eavr b

d e sta3t u1 ou3 op n iia1e3 .ol 1anyT Uo3 l a joint tentu3eT u na v sl alle3 1 aye3 l

suu :titute ou3 1 2oiu.t Uo3 trei3 : o3 lanuUavtu3e tre iia1e3 : ji.ense trel to a nul ue3 oU

.ol 1aniesb

Fi3 :tT etc k : oo- k at sta3ting ou3 op n .ol 1anyb de rate nad e 3e.ognitionT u t nnot in trat

iniust3 v b e dp rate to set u1 a d anuUavtu3ing 1 antT l ri3e a d anagel ent tead w d3 -eting a

tead sales Uo3 .e estap isr l wist3iu ntion . rannejsb jil eA .onsul ing ex1ensiteT u t n

ioAap eb l

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