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+ Case Preparatibn

Case questions can be made simple through preparation and practice. I never like to equate an

interview with a test, but they do have in common the fact that the more you prepare, the better you’ll do.

Maybe you’ve experienced the feeling of being so prepared for an exam that you can’t wait for the

professor to hand it out so you can rip right through it. Case questions are the same way. Firms look to

see if you have that “rip right through it” look in your eyes. It’s called confidence.

Some of my students, even after they got the job, would come into my office and ask me to give them a

case. They loved doing cases. To them it was no different than working a crossword puzzle. They loved

the intellectual challenge, and they learned something new every time they did one.


Consultants spend a great deal of their time on the road at the client’s site. They work in small teams

and are sometimes put in charge of groups of the clients’ employees. Often, consultants work under

great pressure in turbulent environments while dealing with seemingly unmanageable problems. It takes

a certain type of personality to remain cool under pressure, to influence the client without being

condescending and to be both articulate and analytical at the same time.

As we said earlier, the business of consulting is really the renting of brains, packaged and delivered with

an engaging and confident personality. So as you work through the case, the interviewer is asking

herself: Is the candidate...

relaxed, confident and mature?

a good listener?

engaging and enthusiastic?

exhibiting strong social and presentation skills?

asking insightful and probing questions?

able to determine what’s truly relevant?

organizing the information effectively and developing a logical framework for analysis?

stating assumptions clearly?

comfortable discussing the multifunctional aspects of the case?

trying to quantify his response at every opportunity?

displaying both business sense & common sense?

thinking creatively?

rolling with the punches?

defending himself without being defensive?

Before we look at some cases, it is best to understand The Case Commandments. Follow these rules

and your case interviewing life will become much easier.

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