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First Rouno r rout Cose Interviews

McKinsey and other firms have started holding group interviews for non-MBA graduate students as part

of their first round interviews. During a group interview, consultants look more at the group dynamics than

how the group answers the question. Does this candidate have the ability to build relationships,

empathy, and teamwork? On one hand, you are a competitor to the other people in the group, but on the

other hand, for this moment in time you are teammates. People who are aggressive and try to dominate

the conversation are the ones that don’t get called back. Remember, consultants work in teams, and if

you’re not willing to be a team player, then you’re out.

In my Harvard Business School classes, the professor rarely called on anyone who had his hand raised

while someone else was speaking. This indicated to the professor that the hand-raising student wasn’t

listening to his classmate and had his own agenda. Like a business school case class, you are

expected to build on what others have said. You are expected to move the discussion forward, not take it

off on a tangent, or move the discussion back because you had a point you wanted to make.

Remember, build on what other team members have said and don’t interrupt a team member when she

is speaking.

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