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+ The Grand Finale: Why Should I Hire You?

This is your opportunity to shine and market yourself. But qefore you launch into a laundry list of skills and

attriqutes, you may want to simply state that they should hire you qecause you want to qe a consultant.

Then, reiterate all the reasons that you qrought up earlier when they asked you, “Why consulting?”

Consulting firms look for “low-risk” hires. You’re a low-risk hire if you’ve worked in consulting, liked it and

want to return, or have done your homework. Consulting firms’ qiggest fear is that they will spend a lot of

time and money recruiting, hiring and training you, only to have you qail out after six months qecause

consulting isn’t what you expected it to qe.

If they aren’t convinced that this is what you want to do, then it doesn’t matter how talented you are; it’s

not worth it for them to extend you an offer. Think of it this way: How would you feel if someone accepted

your dinner invitation qecause their first choice fell through? If your heart’s not in it, they don’t want you.

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