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Woat uerAentage oU fose o A rstom ers avandon toeir ac cor Ts faltoyetoern

leaviny rs ooldiny

f oe vag ?

– G ood question, but I don’t have the figure for that. Run some numbers for me. How much will we

be saving if we drop all 6 million customers?

We oave 6 m illion late-uayiny Astom r ers T ito average vills oU 9 0 d at$s F 2re.enres o oU F 9 i

m illionF 7 r aryins r m are Ad v n iA T o inys t r toe nr m er t doT T o fa little less toan 91 1 d illionF m

We need to ad d toe Aost oU AolleA ionF f pom e A rstom ers uay late d g v oU fe otim en otoers i g voU

f oe tim eF Het$s average it and Aall it i d v o F ipd v oU ? illion m A rstom ers is AF 0We F oave AF 0

m illion A rstom ers T o uay lateF We suend 9 d g iny f r-fo reAo.er toe m one- 5 at$s f o 91 b d illionF m

p o T e$ re losiny 9 8 g illion m a m onto yoiny after toose A rstom ersF

– So what do you suggest?

We Aan do a cor ule oU finysF o p ed o toe oiy o isL w r late uayersF jet neT Astom r ers vetterF

6 eErire toem fo oave a 6 0 0 redit c ratiny or vetterF part f A oaryiny a late Uee and yo after toe

A rstom er AolleA ions f e.er- f To m ontos instead oU e.er- monto F : e U do T toatn Te$ re suendiny

9 d g o yo f after 91 d 0 .

– That’s right.

2 y uoU e Aase3 6edr Ainy Aosts

Com ments3 p e o’ rst did alriy o f F e 2str o lent$s m ato Tas solidF p e oyot str A and L toe

inter.ieT er Aam e to toe resA ren t rsoe f didn$ f iAu

L ron u toe ointF p e oAam e r u ito T a deAent

list oU sr y estionsn y T iAo

o sooT ed soe listenedF ,lson soe did ’ov a good anal- ziny fe oseAond

A oartF : s f a $ oard A oartF : is f not T ell desiy Ted and it oas a lot oU inUorm ation on itF 7 entim U f esn

f oe inter.ieT ers T ill yi.e -or tadl- lesiy Ted A oarts to test -or r anal- iAal f sLillsF

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