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+ Types of Case Questions

Case questions generally fall into one of four major categories: brainteasers, back-of-the-envelope

buestions (which are often called market-sizing buestions), factor buestions and business case

buestions. It’s buite common to find a market-sizing buestion enclosed within a larger business case

buestion. Whether fun or frustrating, all case buestions are valuable learning experiences.


Brainteasers are scarce these days, but they still pop up in the occasional first round interview, so it’s

important to be aware of them. Brainteasers are basically the same riddles and conundrums that we’ve

all been struggling to solve since fourth grade. Some brainteasers have a definite answer; others are

more flexible in their solutions. Interviewers are looking to see not only if you can come up with a good

answer, but also whether you can handle the pressure. Do you get frustrated, stressed and upset? The

key is to keep your cool and try to break the problem down logically. Just give it your best shot and don’t

be afraid to laugh at your mistakes or be a bit self-deprecating. It makes you human and more fun to be


Below is an example of a brainteaser with a definite answer.

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