Libro de resúmenes [revisión final, 172 páginas] - UGM

Libro de resúmenes [revisión final, 172 páginas] - UGM

Libro de resúmenes [revisión final, 172 páginas] - UGM


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SISMOLOGÍA Geos, Vol. 27, No. 1, Octubre, 2007there occurred the October 17-18, 1992, seismic sequence withmagnitu<strong>de</strong>s Mw 6.6 and 7.1 respectively.This zone, located in northwestern Colombia has beenseismically monitored by INGEOMINAS (the ColombianGeological Survey) since the early 90´s, and the seismicsequence of 1992 has been studied by several authors who haveanalyzed the damages caused and some possible mo<strong>de</strong>ls for theseismic source.In this paper we present a mo<strong>de</strong>l for sources of changesin stress and seismicity with complex elements for geologicalfaults -theoretical or observed in the field- in or<strong>de</strong>r to test thehypothesis that the 1992 Murindó seismic sequence changed thestatic stresses in nearby faults such as Murindó, MurrÃ-, andothers, as well as in other seismically active areas, influencing thelocal seismicity. For the first time we test the hypothesis of staticstresses changes and their possible implications for the seismichazard in Colombia. We do this using Coulomb 3.0 software.Aditionally we also report on the increase in the microseismicityof the region <strong>de</strong>tected in 2004.SIS-12ANÁLISIS DE LA RUPTURA EN ALTAI, ASIA CENTRAL,MODELADO DEL SISMO PRINCIPAL Y RÉPLICASMAYORES DEL 27 SEPTIEMBRE DE 2003 (MW7.4)Gómez González Juan Martín 1 , Mellors Robert 2 y Mendoza Carlos 11 Centro <strong>de</strong> Geociencias, UNAM2 Department of Geological Sciences, San Diego State University, USAgomez@geociencias.unam.mxEl análisis cinemático <strong>de</strong>l proceso <strong>de</strong> ruptura <strong>de</strong>l sismo <strong>de</strong>Altai, <strong>de</strong>l 27 <strong>de</strong> septiembre <strong>de</strong> 2003, muestra un mecanismo focalprioritariamente transcurrente. Se trata <strong>de</strong> uno <strong>de</strong> los mayoresterremotos (Mw7.3) que han ocurrido en las cordilleras <strong>de</strong>l Asiacentral, en los últimos 50 años. La inversión <strong>de</strong> la forma <strong>de</strong>onda, con ondas <strong>de</strong> volumen, muestra una geometría <strong>de</strong> fallacon un azimut <strong>de</strong> 130° y un ángulo <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>slizamiento <strong>de</strong> 170°,sobre un plano subvertical (echado=75°). Dichas característicascoinci<strong>de</strong>n con una <strong>de</strong> las estructuras mayores que componen lacordillera <strong>de</strong> Altai, así como con la orientación <strong>de</strong> la distribución<strong>de</strong> réplicas. El mo<strong>de</strong>lado <strong>de</strong> los datos telesísmicos tambiénproporciona una profundidad <strong>de</strong>l centroi<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> 10 km y unmomento escalar aproximado <strong>de</strong> 0.688·1020 N m, asociado a unaduración <strong>de</strong> la fuente <strong>de</strong> 25 s. Dicha duración permite estimaruna longitud máxima <strong>de</strong> ruptura aproximada <strong>de</strong> 60 – 90 km. Elsismo principal tuvo varias réplicas muy cercanas tanto en eltiempo como en el espacio. Dos réplicas ocurrieron el mismodía (Mw5.7, Mw6.4) y otra ocurrió el 1 <strong>de</strong> octubre <strong>de</strong> 2003.La mejor relación señal ruido <strong>de</strong> la segunda réplica (Mw6.4)permite mo<strong>de</strong>lar su forma. Esta réplica tiene varias similitu<strong>de</strong>sgeométricas con respecto al evento principal, el mecanismo focaltiene un azimut <strong>de</strong> 128°, un echado <strong>de</strong> 71° y un ángulo <strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>slizamiento <strong>de</strong>154°, con una profundidad <strong>de</strong>l centroi<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> 13km. Las diferentes soluciones reportadas sobre el sismo principaldifieren ligeramente entre sí, sin embargo, estas diferencias seincrementan cuando se comparan éstos mo<strong>de</strong>los con los mo<strong>de</strong>los<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>formación InSAR. Entre las principales discrepancias estánla dirección <strong>de</strong> los <strong>de</strong>splazamientos, la posición <strong>de</strong> hipocentro y laestimación <strong>de</strong>l momento escalar. Mediante el mo<strong>de</strong>lado <strong>de</strong> fuentepuntual y <strong>de</strong> falla finita realizamos un análisis <strong>de</strong> sensibilidad <strong>de</strong>algunos parámetros (hipocentro, momento escalar y la duración<strong>de</strong> la función fuente). Los mo<strong>de</strong>los InSAR no sólo incluyen elmovimiento cosísmicos sino las contribuciones <strong>de</strong> otros eventos,a<strong>de</strong>más, <strong>de</strong> correspon<strong>de</strong>r a periodos <strong>de</strong> registro más largos.Diferentes mo<strong>de</strong>los indican que la estimación <strong>de</strong> los parámetros<strong>de</strong> la fuente se ve afectada por el mo<strong>de</strong>lo <strong>de</strong> corteza y lageometría <strong>de</strong> la fuente sismogénica usados. La comparación <strong>de</strong>parámetros reportados por diferentes datos permite <strong>de</strong>scartarlos mo<strong>de</strong>los pobremente restringidos y conservar aquello másapegados a las características tectónicas actuales <strong>de</strong> la región.SIS-13DETECTION OF AN ASEISMIC SLIP TRANSIENT IN EARLY2007 FROM THE OAXACA GPS AND SEISMIC ARRAYCabral Cano Enrique 1 , DeMets Charles 2 , Brudzinski Michael R. 3 , DíazMolina Oscar 1 , Arciniega Ceballos Alejandra 1 y Correa Mora Francisco 21 Instituto <strong>de</strong> Geofísica, UNAM2 Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, USA3 Department of Geology, Miami University of Ohio, USAecabral@geofisica.unam.mxGPS measurements along the Oaxaca segment of the MiddleAmerica Trench since 1995 show a remarkable history of episodicslow slip transients that affect wi<strong>de</strong> areas of Southern Mexico. Todate, the existence or lack thereof of tremor-like seismic activitythat may be associated with the geo<strong>de</strong>tically recor<strong>de</strong>d transientslip is unknown, primarily due to the lack of regional-scalecontinuous seismic measurements. To overcome this and betterun<strong>de</strong>rstand how these transients factor into the earthquake cycleof southernMexico, we have installed a continuous, largely co-locatedseismic and GPS array extending from the Mexico volcanicbelt to the Pacific coast of Oaxaca. Consisting of 11 GPSand 9 seismic stations, the array can accurately resolve theexistence and location of episodic strain and any associatedseismic tremor and provi<strong>de</strong>s the observational capabilities forstudying the relationship between the surface <strong>de</strong>formation andseismic energy release during both earthquakes and episodic,transient slip. The first event that has been <strong>de</strong>tected by thisexpan<strong>de</strong>d network occurred in between March 25 and May 15,2007. Some of this transient slow-slip event data is still returningfrom the field, but our initial analysis based on currently availabledata from Internet networked sites reveals a larger amplitu<strong>de</strong>southwestward motion for stations located further inland, and asmaller-amplitu<strong>de</strong>, westward motion at coastal sites and possiblyat other sites located further north on the Mexican VolcanicBelt. Results from the extent of correlation between the seismicand geo<strong>de</strong>tic data will also be presented. The 2007 transientevent reinforces the previous observation that periodic slowslip events are a key characteristic of the earthquake cycle insouthern Mexico, presumably due to the shallow subduction thatplaces large areas of the subducting Cocos plate in a frictionallytransitional zone that is capable of generating these transients.118

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