Koperasi Peduli Rakyat Sejahtera - Smecda

Koperasi Peduli Rakyat Sejahtera - Smecda

Koperasi Peduli Rakyat Sejahtera - Smecda


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Still Exists After Six Decades<br />

The establishment of cooperation in In<br />

donesia is inseparable from the history<br />

of cooperation itself. Many cooperations<br />

of various types are developing in Indonesia.<br />

Their conditions also vary. There are<br />

some that still exist and even become superior<br />

business entities, however there are also<br />

some that had to fall in their journeys since<br />

they could not balance with the unstable economic<br />

condition. One of the cooperations that<br />

still exist is Save Loan Cooperation (KSP) of<br />

Rukun Ikhtiar Bandung. KSP Rukun Ikhtiar is<br />

one of the oldest cooperations in West Java.<br />

This cooperation was established in 1930,<br />

older than the Milk Cooperation in<br />

Pangalengan that was established in 1949 by<br />

the Indonesian Cow Farmers Association of<br />

Pangalengan (Gappsip).<br />

Equipped with such old age and long experience<br />

(79 years), it is obvious that KSP<br />

Rukun Ikhtiar is able to grow and keep developing,<br />

although it has to compete with other<br />

similar business entities. In the cold hand of<br />

H. Suryana, who since 1999 has led this<br />

KSPRI , this Rukun Ikhtiar is able to survive<br />

and even show more of its existence.<br />

From its membership point of view, for example,<br />

from one year to another the number<br />

of members of KSPRI has become larger and<br />

larger. In 2008, the number of KSP members<br />

was 9,521. In July 2009 the number of members<br />

increased to become 10,072. The increase<br />

of this number of members of course<br />

affects the amount of cooperation capitalization<br />

amount and volume of asset. According<br />

to Chairman of KSP Rukun Ikhtiar, Suryana,<br />

the total asset of KSP Rukun Ikhtiar at this time<br />

is at the level of Rp 20 billion.<br />

Increase also occurs to the loan balance<br />

quality, which increased by up to 5.35%. The<br />

loan provided in 2008 to 4,270 members<br />

reached the amount of Rp12.66 billion. That<br />

amount is higher than the loan amount in<br />

2007 provided to 3,991 members i.e. Rp 12.01<br />

billion. The amount of loan provided varies<br />

from the smallest Rp 1 million to a maximum<br />

of Rp 20 million. For each loan, loan service<br />

is charged in the amount of 3%.<br />

In 2005, KSP Rukun Ikhtiar became one<br />

of sector scrolling fund aid receiver cooperations<br />

in the amount of Rp 1 billion, which was<br />

focused to fund capitalization need to its members<br />

who are engaged in agribusiness field<br />

and any other real sectors. In the context of<br />

fund distribution, KSP management is very<br />

selective. They require collaterals such as land<br />

certificate. The amount of borrower’s savings<br />

amount and the level of its return also determine<br />

the amount of loan granted. This system<br />

is intended to press the amount of non<br />

performing loan. This system is proven to be<br />

effective in pressing non performing credit.<br />

Up to now, the amount of non performing loan<br />

in KSP Rukun Ikhtiar has been less than 1%.<br />

Such various favorable reports finally<br />

ended up in profit gaining. In 2008 this KSP<br />

noted a profit of Rp 1.643 billion. This amount<br />

increased from the profit gained in 2007 which<br />

was Rp 1.487 billion. On such achievement,<br />

Cooperation Service of Small Middle Scale<br />

Enterprises (UKM) and Industry and Trading<br />

of Bandung City gave the score of 87.2 (eighty<br />

seven point two) to KSP Rukun Ikhtiar. It<br />

means KSP Rukun Ikhtiar is one of cooperations<br />

with the predicate Healthy Cooperation.<br />

“KSP Rukun Ikhtiar is the pride cooperation<br />

of Bandung City” said H. Meivy Adha Krisnan,<br />

Drs, M.Si, Secretary of Cooperation Service<br />

of Small Middle Scale Enterprises (KUKM) and<br />

Industry and Trading of Bandung City. This<br />

KSP was also crowned as the Achiever Save<br />

Loan Cooperation in 2008 by State Minister<br />

of Cooperation and Small Middle Scale Enterprises.<br />

K o p e r a s i P e d u l i , R a k y a t S e j a h t e r a 43

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