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es and premiums, broadening the debate to include as<br />

wide a range of commodities as possible: coper and alloys,zincandlead,primaryandsecondaryaluminium,<br />

steel and scrap.<br />

The Meeting will be brought to a close by the Raw Material<br />

Outlooks, while waiting for the discussion on the<br />

2017 purchasing budget, scheduled for October 20th<br />

at the Kilometro Rosso Science Park in Stezzano (near<br />

Bergamo). This update, not to be missed by all operators<br />

in this industry, will feature experts, entrepreneurs<br />

and economists taking the stand to provide raw materials<br />

forecasts for 2017, to say nothing of the macro view.<br />

Butsinceautomotivetopicsthatshouldbedealtwith<br />

are still many, on October 19th another day will be dedicated<br />

to the transportation industry.<br />

The intense program will include discussions on lightweighting.<br />

And while the relationship between the FARO Club and<br />

IAPMA (Iranian Auto Parts Manufacturers Association)<br />

grow stronger, the opportunities provided by Iran in its<br />

post-sanction vitality will be discussed. The country’s<br />

automotive sector and the whole of its industry in general<br />

are seeking technological know-how. And Italy is in<br />

pole position.<br />

❚<br />

Further information on FARO Meetings is available on<br />

the www.faroclub.com website<br />

America, Asia and China; regarding the latter, Edward<br />

Meir (Senior Metals Analyst, INTL FCStone Inc) will also<br />

have his say.<br />

From a standpoint decidedly based on the raw material<br />

market, forthcoming development plans will be analysed,<br />

in consideration of the impact that they have and<br />

could have on the consumption and export of metals.<br />

Another topic will be the Italian government, more specifically<br />

the provisions adopted in the process of globalization<br />

of corporations; this will be analysed by Angelo<br />

Bonissoni (Managing Partner, CBA Studio Legale e<br />

Tributario). The feather in the Meeting’s cap will however<br />

be the networking program.<br />

After the exclusive and reserved visit to the Riva Shipyard,<br />

the Club will take part in the most magical of all of FARO’s<br />

dinners: organized on the pier, with Carlo Riva’s “La Plancia”asabackdrop.<br />

Theprogramonthefollowingdaywillbejustasexciting:barefootonashinyyellowfabriccarpet,thePartners<br />

will be able to walk on Christo’s unique and unrepeatable<br />

work of art, The Floating Piers, before carrying<br />

on with the Meeting’s agenda.<br />

There will of course be a debate on the situation of<br />

the physical market between operators of the different<br />

commodity markets. During the KerbTime, chaired by<br />

Sit’s Roberto Cavani, FARO’s Board members will discuss<br />

purchase strategies, order processing, spot prictillante<br />

tappeto di tessuto giallo, i Partner passeggerannosull’operaunicaedirripetibiledell’artistaChristo,The<br />

Floating Piers, prima di riprendere i lavori del Meeting.<br />

Nonmancheràildibattitosullasituazionedelmercatofisicotraoperatorideidiversimercaticommodity.DuranteilKerbTime,orchestratodaRobertoCavanidiSitSpa,<br />

imembridelFAROBoardsiconfronterannosullestrategiediacquisto,ilcaricoordini,iprezzispoteipremi,al-<br />

largando l’intero dibattito al più ampio panorama commoditypossibile:rameeleghe,zincoepiombo;allumino<br />

primario e secondario; acciaio e rottami.<br />

ChiuderannoilMeeting,gliOutlookMaterieprime,inattesadifareilpuntoperilbudgetacquisti2017,inprogramma<br />

il 20 ottobre al Parco Scientifico Tecnologico Kilometro<br />

RossodiStezzano(BG).Appuntamentoimperdibilepergli<br />

operatoridelsettore,vedràalternarsiaimicrofoniesperti,<br />

imprenditori ed economisti per i forecast materie prime<br />

per il 2017; senza dimenticare la view macro.<br />

Mapoichégliargomentidatrattaresull’automotivesono<br />

ancoramolti,il19ottobreverràdedicataunanuovagiornataall’industriadeitrasporti.Lafittaagendavedein<br />

programma discussioni sui cambiamenti in atto nel settore<br />

ed il diverso ruolo che dovranno giocare i produttori<br />

auto ed i fornitori della filiera. Parleremo inoltre delle<br />

decisionistrategichechegliOEMstannoadottandoper<br />

raggiungereglistringentitargetclimaticifissati,edei<br />

trendedellenuoveapplicazionichevedrannoprotagonistiimaterialiperillightweighting.Ementresiconsolidano<br />

i rapporti del Club FARO con IAPMA (Iranian Auto Parts<br />

Manufacturers Association), si tornerà a parlare delle<br />

opportunità offerte dall’Iran, in pieno fermento post-sanzioni.<br />

Il settore automotive del Paese e in generale tutta<br />

l’industria sono alla ricerca di know-how tecnologico. E<br />

l’Italiaèinpoleposition.<br />

❚<br />

TutteleinformazionisuiMeetingFAROsonodisponibili<br />

nel sito www.faroclub.com<br />

June <strong>2016</strong> N° 03<br />

- 59

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