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The original Slim with its three production departments (Rolling,Extrusion,Foundry)wasformedbytechnicianscoming<br />

from Montecatini’s plants in Feltre and administration personnelwithanAmericanbook-keepingimprint.Thisimmediately<br />

helped communication between the “Ragioniere” (Accountant),aseveryonecalledmyfather,andthecompany’stop<br />

managers; thus, in 1965 the Managing Director, Mr. Fustinoni,<br />

offered to hire him as an Administration Director. The world<br />

thatrevolvesaroundtheplantimmediatelyfascinatedhim<br />

and left him enthusiastic, exalting and forming the innate human<br />

and entrepreneurial endowment that characterised him<br />

in every phase of his career. Slim in those years was constantly<br />

evolving, with a great commercial, technical and organizational<br />

potential, but above all with an extraordinary legacy of humanity<br />

that left Gianfranco and the whole group of his cooperators<br />

with an impression that would last forever.<br />

In 1972 Fustinoni died, leaving his role as Managing Director of<br />

Slim to our father who remained in this position until May, 1998,<br />

when Reynolds left the European market once and for all and<br />

sold all the rolling plants to the German company, VAW.<br />

Our father’s management of Slim, supported by that magnificent<br />

group, developed products and initiatives that to this<br />

very date represent entities and brands present on the market.In1973“theAccountant”suggestedanewinvestmentto<br />

Reynolds Metal for the production of extruded products and in<br />

1975ReynoldsAluminiumItalia,knownbyeveryoneasRAI,was<br />

founded. Since then a series of initiatives were brought into<br />

being all connected to the same theme: “creativity and inno-<br />

di Chicago. Al rientro in Italia viene incaricato di aprire ed organizzarelastoricasedeArthurAndersenaRoma.<br />

TraiprincipaliclientideltempoglivieneaffidatalaSlimSpa(SocietàLavorazioniIndustrialiMetalli),natanel1963dauna“joint<br />

venture”tralastatunitenseReynolds,unatralegrandimultinazionali<br />

dell’alluminio, e la Montecatini, che nella Divisione Minerali<br />

e Metalli si occupava del metallo leggero.<br />

La Slim delle origini con i tre reparti produttivi (Laminazione,<br />

Estrusione, Fonderia), era formata da tecnici provenienti dagli<br />

stabilimentidellaMontecatinidiFeltreedapersonaleamministrativodiimpostazionecontabileamericana.Ciòfacilitòda<br />

subito il dialogo tra il Ragioniere, come viene chiamato da tutti<br />

nostro padre, e i vertici della società; così nel 1965 l’AD dott. Fustinoni<br />

gli propone l’assunzione come Direttore amministrativo.<br />

Dasubitoilmondochegiraintornoallostabilimentoloaffascina<br />

eloentusiasma,esaltandoeplasmandoquelleinnatedotiumavation”.<br />

I would like to mention the most significant ones: in the<br />

buildingfield,R50(1980),GR14,R50TTinsmallblocks(1982)<br />

and R 40 (presented in 1984 at SAIE DUE); in the industrial application<br />

field: profiles for greenhouses and watering pipes (1978),<br />

components for evaporators and extruded tubes for refrigerators<br />

(1980), the TR1 system for truck sties (1980), and a 400-<br />

mm rectangular container for truck sides (1982).<br />

Alongside with the development of these products, the Accountantpromotednumerousinitiativesthatwereaheadof<br />

their time in the aluminium sector, some of them being still in<br />

activity, such as Tecnometal for the production f anodes for<br />

marine uses, Contal for container casting, Alutec accessories<br />

for doors and windows, PLS Phoenix for extrusion matrices<br />

(nowknownasGRTTheattreatmentforspecialsteels)andthe<br />

Sardal extrusion plan.<br />

As from the mid-80’s, Reynolds decided to abandon the extruded<br />

metal segment in Italy and concentrate on rolled products;<br />

the Accountant was therefore entrusted with the negotiation<br />

for the sale of RAI to Alluminia, owned by the partly<br />

State-ownedgroupEFIM,andatthesametimeforthepurchase<br />

of the connected participation share, so that Slim became<br />

a 100% Reynolds company.<br />

With more defined objectives, Slim, that started off with a production<br />

of roughly 30.000 tons, reached 76.000 tons by the<br />

endofthe‘90’s;in1987theAccountantwasnamedbyRandolph<br />

Reynolds, President of Reynolds Aluminium International,<br />

Managing Director of Slim and European Vice President responsible<br />

for the plants in Belgium, France, Holland, Italy and<br />

Gianfranco Ricciarini, ci lascia un grande<br />

protagonista della storia dell’alluminio in Italia<br />

Il ricordo dei figli Stefano e Paolo, che alla guida della<br />

ETA Estrusione Tecnologie Avanzate continuano l’impegno<br />

imprenditoriale del "Ragioniere"<br />

Venerdì 6 maggio c’erano quasi tutti oltre a noi, dalla prima segretariaArthurAndersen,aglistoricisindacalistideglianni70’<br />

edioggi,itecnici,gliamicidiieriedioggi;ilsacerdoteincuriositodaunaatmosferacosìpienadiemozioneedopoaverricevuto<br />

alcune informazioni dai presenti ha iniziato dicendo: “….se<br />

qualcunohafrettasiaccomodipure,perchéoggidevoparlare<br />

del Ragioniere”.<br />

Un uomo con un innato intuito imprenditoriale, sempre pronto<br />

allenovità,conunastraordinariaattenzioneagliaspettiumani<br />

ed al rispetto delle persone. Nostro padre Gianfranco nacque<br />

aRimininel1935;neldopoguerratuttalafamigliasitrasferiscea<br />

Roma, dove lui si diploma ragioniere; rispondendo ad un annuncio,<br />

entra nel mondo delle società di revisione americane, prima<br />

Pricewaterhause Coopers poi dal 1958 Arthur Andersen a Milano,<br />

acquisiscecosìunasolidaformazionenelcampodellacertificazione<br />

di bilancio che consolida nel 1959 negli USA presso la sede<br />

June <strong>2016</strong> N° 03<br />

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