CES VŠEM o aktuálních ekonomických problémech

CES VŠEM o aktuálních ekonomických problémech

CES VŠEM o aktuálních ekonomických problémech


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I(1) (therefore called the Hadri LM stationarity test). According to<br />

Hadri (2000) this test works well for medium and large<br />

dimensions.<br />

One of the second generation pURTs is the Pesaran’s CADF test<br />

(Pesaran, 2007, CADF) which is analogous to the IPS test as it<br />

allows checking for unit roots in heterogeneous panels. The CADF<br />

stands for statistics based on univariate DF or ADF regressions<br />

with first differences of individual time series and additional cross<br />

section averages of lagged levels. Non-stationarity is assumed<br />

under the , under the alternative only a fraction of time series<br />

in the panel ( ) is stationary (similarity to the IPS test).<br />

Individual pURTs differ in their treatments of the autoregressive<br />

parameter ( ). IPS, HLM, and M-W, assume different<br />

parameters (panel specific), i.e. , while the LLC works<br />

with the assumption that they are the same. It is also important<br />

to stress how individual pURTs treat changes in and<br />

dimensions. As in our analysis, the dimension of (number of<br />

countries) is small and may increase, it is reasonable to assume<br />

that pURTs of the first generation (LLC, IPS, and H-LM) 44 would<br />

perform better than other pURTs (for an overview see e.g.<br />

Baltagi, 2008; Hlouskova and Wagner, 2005). 45<br />

Some pURTs (IPS, H-LM) work with unbalanced panels as well,<br />

thus , other pURTs work only with balanced panels.<br />

Demeaned versions of panel unit root tests are recommended<br />

44 In the case of the IPS and H-LM test it is necessary to rely on sequential limit<br />

theory, i.e. the number of periods goes to infinity first and then the number of<br />

cross-sections. This pattern determines properties of pURTs depending on the<br />

actual and sizes.<br />

45 Individual panel unit root tests also differ in the test statistics that are used<br />

under the null. For example, Gaussian limiting distribution for the IPS test, the<br />

non-parametric Fischer test based on distribution for the M-W test. That<br />

leads to different powers of pURTs for various and . Banerjee al. (2005)<br />

show some evidence of the power for individual tests.<br />


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