CES VŠEM o aktuálních ekonomických problémech

CES VŠEM o aktuálních ekonomických problémech

CES VŠEM o aktuálních ekonomických problémech


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compare results for all main pURTs (the LLC, the IPS, the M-W,<br />

and the Pesaran’s test); however, the main emphasis will be<br />

placed on results of the Pesaran’s CADF test. 52<br />

The latest versions of both tests (LLC and IPS) offer tools to solve<br />

some practical problems, such as cross-sectional correlation (as<br />

cross-sectional independence of innovations is assumed).<br />

Regarding the cross-sectional dependence, Bussiére al. (2010)<br />

summarise findings of the study of Pesaran and Tosetti (2007)<br />

that tries to shed some light on this issue. They distinguish<br />

between two types of correlation – 'strong' and 'weak'. While the<br />

first one cannot be solved by demeaning time series, the other<br />

can. The potential impacts also depend on the country size and<br />

time dimensions. In the case of medium and large panels, weak<br />

cross-sectional correlation does not pose a serious problem;<br />

strong correlation for non-stationary panel has not been<br />

addressed yet (an attempt is presented in the study by Bussiére<br />

al., 2010).<br />

2. DATA<br />

Empirical studies have used different sorts of data as there is no<br />

prior information. While some have worked with monthly data<br />

(Telatar and Hasanov, 2009), others used quarterly (Matei, 2009)<br />

or even yearly data (Solakoglu, 2006). We have decided to rely<br />

on quarterly data as they are sufficiently long and allow us to<br />

perform robustness tests. This is also connected with some<br />

advantages and disadvantages. The time span is longer for<br />

quarterly data than it would have been for monthly data and it is<br />

a reasonable way of solving problem of low number of yearly<br />

observations for our set of countries. On the other hand,<br />

52 The LLC and IPS tests are due to their construction with the assumption of<br />

cross section independence, not perfectly adequate for our analysis.<br />


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