23.11.2012 Aufrufe

Die Tropenstation La Gamba

Die Tropenstation La Gamba

Die Tropenstation La Gamba


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<strong>Die</strong> „<strong>Tropenstation</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Gamba</strong>“ in Costa Rica – Wissenschaftlicher Bericht<br />

SCHULZE CH, I. RIEDL & B.S. SEAMAN. 2008. Bird species richness in the Pacific lowlands of Costa<br />

Rica: the contribution of tropical countryside habitats and gallery forests. International Scientific<br />

Conference on Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change, 5-9 October 2008.<br />

Bali, Indonesia.<br />

THURNER B. & V. MAYER. 2006. Does nectar production reduce herbivore pressure on Passiflora species<br />

(Passifloraceae) in a tropical rainforest in Costa Rica? 12. Österreichische Botanikertagung,<br />

Kremsmünster (Oberösterreich), 21. bis 23. September 2006. (Poster presentation).<br />

WANEK W. & R. WANIA. 2001. <strong>Die</strong> Rolle des Kronenraumes in Nährstoffkreisläufen des Esquinas-<br />

Waldes. - Symposium <strong>Die</strong> <strong>Tropenstation</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Gamba</strong>, Regenwald der Österreicher, Costa Rica.<br />

WANEK W. & W. HUBER. 2000: Adaptations during early development of primary hemiepiphytes of the<br />

genus Clusia in a tropical lowland rain forest, Costa Rica. - Abstract, 2 nd International Conference<br />

on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, Braunschweig, Germany.<br />

WANEK W., K. PÖRTL & R. WANIA. 2003. Effect of epiphyll colonization on phyllosphere nutrient<br />

relations in a tropical wet forest, Costa Rica. In: S.-W. Breckle et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the<br />

2nd Symposium of the A.F.W. Schimper-Foundation est. by H. and E. Walter. Verlag Günter<br />

Heimbach, Stuttgart, Germany, 129-144.<br />

WANEK W., K. PÖRTL & R. WANIA. 2004. Effect of epiphyll colonization on phyllosphere nutrient<br />

relations in a tropical wet forest, Costa Rica. Pages 129-144 in S.-W. Breckle, editor. Results of<br />

Worldwide Ecological Studies. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of the A.F.W. Schimper-<br />

Foundation est. by H. and E. Walter. Verlag Günter Heimbach, Stuttgart.<br />

WANEK W., R. WANIA, S.K. ARNDT, A. KANIAK & A. RICHTER. 2001. Availability of soil nitrate,<br />

ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen and uptake by plants in arctic to tropical ecosystems. -<br />

6 th International Symposium on Inorganic Nitrogen Assimilation, Reims, France.<br />

WANEK W., W. HUBER, S. ARNDT & M. POPP. 2001. Nitrogen acquisition and carbon isotope<br />

discrimination during epiphytic establishment and transition from epiphytic to terrestrial stage of<br />

hemiepiphytic Clusia spp. - 3 rd International Congress of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism, Cape<br />

Tribulation, Queensland, Australia.<br />

WANIA R. & W. WANEK. 2000. Nitrogen cycling in the canopy of a neotropical rainforest. - Abstract No.<br />

IAEA-SM-363/47P, International Symposium on Nuclear Techniques in Integrated Plant<br />

Nutrients, Water and Soil Management.<br />

WANIA R., P. HIETZ & W. WANEK. 2001. Application of natural 15 N abundance in nitrogen cycling<br />

studies of tropical rainforests (3 rd Viennese Workshop on Stable Isotopes in Biological and<br />

Environmental Sciences, Vienna, Austria).<br />

WANIA R., P. Hietz & W. Wanek. 2002. Nitrogen nutrition of vascular epiphytes in a tropical lowland<br />

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WEBER A. 2004. Pflanzliche Biodiversität und organismische Interaktionen. – Österr. Workshop für<br />

Tropenforschung, Institut f. Botanik, 26. Nov. 04.<br />

WEBER A. 2004. Was tut sich im „Regenwald der Österreicher“?- Botanisches Institut der Universität<br />

Salzburg, Festvortrag anläßl. Emeritierung von Prof. Dr. D. Fürnkranz, 2. Okt. 04.<br />

WEBER A., W. HUBER & A. WEISSENHOFER. 1999. Bosque Esquinas: der "Regenwald der Österreicher".<br />

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WEBER A., W. HUBER & A. WEISSENHOFER. 2000. Bosque Esquinas: der "Regenwald der Österreicher".<br />

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WEBER A., W. HUBER, A. WEISSENHOFER, N. ZAMORA & G. ZIMMERMANN. 2002. Una guía de campo<br />

de las plantas de la selva tropical de la región del Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica. – VIII Congreso<br />


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