23.11.2012 Aufrufe

Die Tropenstation La Gamba

Die Tropenstation La Gamba

Die Tropenstation La Gamba


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<strong>Die</strong> „<strong>Tropenstation</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Gamba</strong>“ in Costa Rica – Wissenschaftlicher Bericht<br />

TSCHELAUT, J.: Leaf litter decomposition and macroinvertebrates in a neotropical lowland<br />

stream, Quebrada negra, costa Rica. – Diplomarbeit, Univ. Wien, Fakultät für<br />

Lebenswissenschaften. Dep. für Limnologie und Hydrobotanik.<br />

One of the primary objectives of the study was to investigate the rivernetwork within the<br />

Rio Esquinas catchment. Rivers were analyzed with regard to abiotic parameters such as<br />

morphology, hydrology, hydrochemistry, sedimentology and canopy cover by the riparian<br />

vegetation. The work discusses differences between sites according to geological factors<br />

and the seasonal hydrologic characteristics from streams within the catchment.<br />

Furthermore, the morphometric-hydrological conditions of the Quebrada Negra, a 1 st<br />

order stream, were investigated in more detail.<br />

The decomposition and macroinvertebrate colonisation of leaf litter was investigated<br />

using litter bags placed over a 28 day period in the Quebrada Negra. Leaf decay rates and<br />

macroinvertebrate densities on leaf packs of Acalypha diversifolia (Euphorbiaceae),<br />

Cecropia obtusifolia (Cecropiaceae), Tetrathylacium macrophyllum (Flacourtiaceae) and<br />

Sloanea medusula (Elaeocarpaceae) were compared. The plants were chosen after their<br />

frequency and life history strategy (r- and K- strategists).<br />

Colonizer densities (total individuals and abundance of major taxa) were highest on<br />

Cecropia and Tetrathylacium leaves and lowest on Sloanea. Densities first increased with<br />

time on all 4 plant species but abundance on Acalypha, Cecropia and Tetrathylacium<br />

declined at the end of the study (day 28) when little of the leaves remained in the bags.<br />

Most of the variation in colonizer densities and species composition was explained by leaf<br />

type and time.<br />

The invertebrate community which colonised litter bags was dominated by taxa of<br />

mayflies (mainly Leptohyphidae), caddiesflies and Chironomidae.<br />

The plants differ in their content of tannins and anatomical cuts of the leaf material show<br />

the varying nature of the leaf structure which supports the result of the differences in<br />

decay.<br />

Throughout this study we analysed the relationship between taxonomical composition and<br />

functional organization of stream benthic communities and some environmental variables<br />

in riffle and pool sites of the Quebrada Negra. Local variations of abiotic factors, such as<br />

current velocity, substratum composition and water depth, shape the distribution of<br />

invertebrates. This investigation represents the first survey of the benthic invertebrate<br />

community from four different choriotops (habitat types) within the Q. Negra. Betweensite<br />

differences are discussed in relation to physical factors.<br />

Anschrift der Autorin:<br />

Mag. Julia Tschelaut<br />

tschuliebuhlie@hotmail.com<br />


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