23.11.2012 Aufrufe

Die Tropenstation La Gamba

Die Tropenstation La Gamba

Die Tropenstation La Gamba


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<strong>Die</strong> „<strong>Tropenstation</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Gamba</strong>“ in Costa Rica – Wissenschaftlicher Bericht<br />

GRUBE, M., BALOCH, E., LUECKING, R. 2002: Specificity of fungal-algal interactions on<br />

leaves. - IMC7, Oslo.<br />

Several types of algae are adapted to the growth on living leaves, coccoid green algae<br />

and members of Trentepohliales being most common and also serving as photobionts of<br />

lichen-forming fungi. Initials of these lichens need to form composite thalli with<br />

appropriate algae in a relatively short time. Therefore, particular strategies are pursued<br />

to ensure efficient dispersal and colonialization of leaves. Specific growth patterns of<br />

trentepohlioid algae, found in both lichenized and non-lichenized forms, suggest that<br />

foliicolous mycobionts have a high specificity for their photobionts. Adjacent freeliving<br />

Phycopeltis colonies belonging to different morphotypes are not accepted as<br />

photobionts by the same fungus. Different ecological preferences of photobionts<br />

apparently shape the diversity of foliicolous lichens found in a given microhabitat. A<br />

particular strategy regarding photobiont selection of lichens is found in lichenized,<br />

foliicolous species of Chroodiscus, which grow facultatively parasitic on lichens of the<br />

genus Porina. C. australiensis and C. coccineus show a high degree of host specificity:<br />

C. australiensis parasitizes Porina mirabilis, whereas C. coccineus is specifically found<br />

on P. subepiphylla. In genera of lichens, which include both lichenized and nonlichenized,<br />

lichenicolous species (e.g. Arthonia), the latter take advantage of the host<br />

photobionts.<br />

Anschrift der Autoren:<br />

M. Grube & E. Baloch<br />

Institute of Botany, Holteigase 6, A-8010 Graz<br />

martin.grube@uni-graz.at<br />

R. Luecking<br />

The Field Museum of Natural History<br />

1400 South <strong>La</strong>ke Shore Drive<br />

Illinois 60605-2496, U.S.A.<br />


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