23.11.2012 Aufrufe

Die Tropenstation La Gamba

Die Tropenstation La Gamba

Die Tropenstation La Gamba


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<strong>Die</strong> „<strong>Tropenstation</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Gamba</strong>“ in Costa Rica – Wissenschaftlicher Bericht<br />

BOSSEW, P. 1996: Radioactive Contamination of Tropical Rainforest Soil in Southern Costa<br />

Rica. Austrian Ecology Institute, Vienna<br />

Soil from four locations in a tropical rainforest near Golfito in Southern Costa Rica was<br />

investigated for radionucleids. For comparison, two nearby locations in open grassland were<br />

measured as well. Each sampling site consisted of 5 soil cores down to a depth of 15 cm. The<br />

mean contamination with 137 Cs was 572 Bq/m² (referenxe date 1 Jan. 1996) and the coefficient of<br />

variation (CV) 50%. The contamination is probably due to global fallout from the atmospheric<br />

atomic bomb tests between 1945 and 1980. The mean contamination is somewhat lower than the<br />

700 Bq/m² expected for the latitude (8°42‘), which may be explainded by that a certain fraction of<br />

the total fallout lies below 15 cm. Out of the total variation of 50%, around 20% can be attributed<br />

to the sampling and measuring process uncertainties, thus leaving a 45% contribution of spatial<br />

variability.<br />

A significant grouping between forest and meadow sites could be detected: the meadow<br />

sites proved to be less contaminated than the forest sites, with 665 and 402 Bq/m², respectively.<br />

This may be explained by the fact that the meadows had been subject to agricultural activities<br />

which results in an increased redistribution of the caesium in the soil and therefore a larger<br />

fraction of the total 137 Cs lying below 15 cm.<br />

The mean 40 K activity concentration was 175Bq/kg d.m. (CV = 69%), for 226 Ra and 228 Ra<br />

concentrations of 9.90 Bq/kg (CV = 23%) and 7.93 Bq/kg (CV = 20%) have been found,<br />

respectively.<br />

Sand samples from a nearby Pacific ocean beach showed a remarably high 137 Cs content,<br />

namely 1.93 Bq/kg d.m.<br />

Anschrift des Autors:<br />

Peter Bossew<br />

Austrian Institute of Applied Ecology<br />

Seidengasse 13, A-1070 Wien<br />

Institute of Physics and Biophysics<br />

University of Salzburg<br />

Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, A-5020 Salzburg<br />

p.bossew@magnet.at<br />


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